View Full Version : rOCD breaking my heart :(

17-05-13, 22:52
My rocd feels so real as in the sense i feel like i don't have it at all, i feel like iv tottaly fallen out of love with my partner :( why dose ROCD do this? its not fair

i get irritated and worried around ny boyfriend

i always think he is flawed or childish

i think he is not good looking :( it breaks my heart

i keep getting thoughts about other men and i always feel like id be happier with someone elss want to feel like this anymore i want my feelings back.

Has my ROCD disapered? :( someone reply please

Charlotte cosier
18-05-13, 01:45
I feel like this around my boyfriend to heart breaking xx

18-12-14, 14:28
Has anyone else got any of theses feelings

18-12-14, 16:00
Do you want to be with your bf?

19-12-14, 09:49
My condition is almost similar but i dont feel irritated with my wife. But i feel attracted towards every beautiful female and i feel guilt of it severely.. On seeing any female My mind keep on saying look towards her breasts. I control myself but once or twice i get to see breasts which generate tremendous guilt. You are not alone. Dont worry

19-12-14, 10:57
Thank you for the replys it is so nice to hear that other people have got these problems, last night I broke down crying and told my boyfriend and my mum my issues and it's kind of helped my boyfriend is so understanding with it all as is my mum anyone feel free to messege me on here or sarah. 17 rose @ live.co.uk is my email address if anyone wants to talk on there to

---------- Post added at 10:57 ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 ----------

Also if you want to email me after the sarah there is no full stop its Sarah no . Then 17 rose @ live.co.uk

19-12-14, 12:53
Have you seen a therapist? How about medication?

23-12-14, 22:17
No I haven't I don't think they would know what rocd is

24-12-14, 13:11
No I haven't I don't think they would know what rocd is

I went to therapy for this and it helped. Make sure the one you find is trained in OCD and he will be able to help you.

25-12-14, 19:02
Really? I have heard a lot of people say that they don't know about it, I may do iv kind of had a anxiety dip where it Dosnt bother me but I know it may come back