View Full Version : Head pains that worsen with movement :(. Anyone else get this?

18-05-13, 00:13
I constantly have a slight dull pain in my head that has been there for almost over 10 years! But lately it has gotten worse. When I lay on my left and right sides I get this sharp head pain and doesn't go away unless I lay on my back. I also can't lay straight on my back because of this head pressure I get in my forehead which started about a month ago.

I have really bad brain tumour anxiety and this is making it worse! :( Anyone else get this or something like it?

18-05-13, 03:14
Do you have allergies & sinus issues?

18-05-13, 03:15
Hello, thanks for the response.
I do get allergies this time of year but I've had headaches for so long that I don't think it could be that :(

18-05-13, 03:27
I'm a long time allergy sufferer, and I had HA over brain tumors several years back. I always get pressure in my head & sinus pressure with my allergies & asthma. I eventually worked my fears up so badly that my doctor ordered an MRI. It was fine. My symptoms are still present, but I found hat taking an OTC allergy med each day has helped tremendously. I had two good friends actually have malignant brain tumors. Both are alive and well almost 8 years later!
One had zero symptoms but it was found after a car accident & he had a scan...the other didn't know until she had seizures...so, I figured that I was looking too deeply at my own symptoms & felt hypersensitive to everything I felt in my head area. Hope this helps!

18-05-13, 03:35
That post definitely helps, thanks so much :)
I'm so happy to hear about your friends being alive and well after having brain tumours! It reassures me that there is hope :)
That's the thing about anxiety, you over think your symptoms, google and google, and it just makes everything worse. Were your symptoms like mine? And if you know about your friend who had a seizure, did she have any other symptoms before the seizure?

18-05-13, 03:43
Googling is horrid. That's a huge issue with me. I made a rule to stop...I text a friend first & she'll encourage me to not go down that road.
My "symptoms" that I freaked over were: headaches, pressure in head, feeling lightheaded & off, vision spots, tingling in extremities, brain fog, lactation, zing like electric pains in head, buzzing feeling in head at different times....sinus pressure in forehead and temples...worse in the night & when bending over...
And my friend, she had no other symptoms, at all until she just started having seizures. So, if I can have all the above listed and be fine, lol...I think that my anxiety ran away with me there...

18-05-13, 03:51
Glad to see your friend was able to help you out with the googling. I find that SO hard to stop, this website isn't too bad because people seem to understand and go through almost all the same things. I need to stay away from Dr. Google and Yahoo Answers :(
And wow, I have exactly all of your symptoms! I also get twitching all over, clicking in my ears when I swallow, and sometimes a dull ear pain. But in general I seem to always have a dull head pain no matter what.
I find it interesting that your friend had no symptoms, it reassures me that this may not be something all that bad!

18-05-13, 03:58
Try to remember how rare our fears really are...and ya, people with HA seem to dwell on every "off" feeling. My same friend has HA & understands how to talk me down & I do the same for her. We kind of laugh at ourselves sometimes because of the crazy explanation of what our "symptoms" feel like....and trying to imagine explaining those to a doctor is pretty humorous. We figure that if its that hard to explain, we probably are obsessing.

18-05-13, 04:03
Haha, that's funny.
I feel like since we have HA every little thing we feel we just make it a big deal for no reason. Someone who doesn't have HA probably just thinks nothing of it and moves on with their day.
I went to my doctor for this and explained all of my symptoms and he actually laughed at me a bit. When I went in to get my blood results he looked into my ears and said "I see your brain, and guess what? No tumour!" Haha, I appreciate his humour. But I can't even imagine what he thinks when people go in with HA, must think we're nuts! :P

18-05-13, 04:10
They see more of it than we'll ever know. Some doctors are more understanding than others, for sure...and I'm glad to finally have doctors that I can trust. I always remind them that medical things make me anxious & I ask them why I shouldn't worry about what I'm afraid of (at that moment). They usually take a moment to explain to me & that helps.

18-05-13, 04:16
It's great that you have very understanding doctors :)
Just curious, have you ever had an MRI done?

18-05-13, 04:20
Yes. I've had with contrast and without.

18-05-13, 04:28
That's good, my doctor won't let me get one but I'm going to keep pushing for it. Although I know I'm going to be a mess going in, I'm very claustrophobic :(

18-05-13, 04:32
If its for your head your whole body doesn't have to be in...you have headphones sometimes, too...they'll play music for you. Try to trust your doctor. They'd send you for one if they thought there was a chance of anything else being there...they don't want to take chances.

18-05-13, 04:34
I always thought you have to go all the way in.
You're probably right, thanks for the support:hugs:

18-05-13, 04:35
I've posted on another thread & just wondered if anyone had seen it. I'm feeling really awful after a panic attack a couple of hours ago & scared I'll have another one.
Please help.

18-05-13, 04:37
No worries! I've been dealing with this stuff for a long time. Right now, my issue is groin lymph node being so tender and inflamed...hopefully, I'll get over it soon & another issue will surely pop up. I use to spiral into uncontrolled anxiety...it comes in waves now & it doesn't last as long. I've figured out what helps me...and that's busy hands for a busy mind, no googling ever, and support :)

18-05-13, 04:41
I've posted on another thread & just wondered if anyone had seen it. I'm feeling really awful after a panic attack a couple of hours ago & scared I'll have another one.
Please help.

Hi Shadow,
I know that terrible feeling!
What were your symptoms like?
I try to keep myself busy because I've noticed that helps keep my mind off my anxiety. Try listening to some music and just relax :)

---------- Post added at 23:41 ---------- Previous post was at 23:39 ----------

I hope you feel better, Southernbelle!
And I will keep all that in mind, I noticed keeping myself busy really helps.:D

18-05-13, 04:42
Yes, like I just wrote...busy hands helps a busy mind. Try to relax and distract yourself.

18-05-13, 04:59
I felt like I couldn't get my breath & my heart was racing. My heart is still beating a little fast & I have tingles in my arms & legs.
I've just started taking citralopram & wondered if this could have caused it?

18-05-13, 05:06
Hmm it could be, is that the first time you've taken it?

18-05-13, 05:44
Yes it is.