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View Full Version : Twitching Fingers

28-09-06, 17:03

Have searched the forums and not found a lot on my symptom - well relating to fingers anyway.

Over the last few weeks, I have noticed, first in my right hand, now also in my left, that my thumbs and first fingers 'twitch' involuntarily.

It is not just something I can feel, you can actually see it, it's quite dramatic !

I have not had a Panic Attack for years, but of recent have certainly suffered symptoms of anxiety like Pins & Needles, though that symptom has now dissapeared and been replaced by this one !

Anyone any experience of this ? Any reassurance most welcome as I seem to focus in on this most of the time now !


28-09-06, 21:44
i can't offer any reasurrance i'm afraid. i too have noticed that this last week or so i am getting twitching and jerking in my fingers. its only my right hand and its the thumb and index finger. i've just had my medication upped by another 25mg and wondered if it could possibly be down to that?
like u any reassurance would be most welcome.

wishing u well dave

pp1 x

28-09-06, 22:23
i've had slight twitches in my thumbs and i'm sure they would increase in frequency and intensity if i gave it too much attention. muscles twitch and do other things when you're anxious. if it doesn't go away when you're calm and not paying attention to it you should talk to a gp although i'm sure it wouldn't be serious.

Sheik N Shimmy
29-09-06, 10:02
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Over the last few weeks, I have noticed, first in my right hand, now also in my left, that my thumbs and first fingers 'twitch' involuntarily.
<div align="right">Originally posted by DMillbank - 28 September 2006 : 18:03:55</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


I say give anxiety the two fingers by forgetting about the twitching in them. :D


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