View Full Version : So low and can't stop crying

18-05-13, 07:19
I have been suffering from GAD and really bad HA for a long time now. The current HA kicked in earlier this year with a dental problem (tooth now extracted) but things are still not right. Going from dental to sinus problem and vice versa. Meanwhile I am getting lower and lower and more and more anxious as to what the problem is and very scared. I have total medical phobia (of the avoidance kind) so all the negative thoughts just keep whirring in my brain. Now, to add to all this, I have just heard that the baby my son and daughter in law were so excited about has died in the womb. I am beside myself with grief for them. I can't bear the pain they are going through. Coupled with this my son, who had a very good and well paid job, is being made redundant. Added to this their father, my ex, has advanced terminal cancer. I am scared that my son won't be able to cope. I know I must stay strong for them, but I feel so low myself. I am so sad and just keep crying. Even before the latest things my GP prescribed anti-depressants but I am much too scared to take them. I am just taking the odd diazepam but I know he won't prescribe any more. I just needed to write this down.

18-05-13, 08:34
Sorry you are having such a hard time. Diazepam is addictive so doc's won't prescribe too much but anti-depressants can really help so I would seriously consider going that route. I wish you all the best.


18-05-13, 09:23
I am sorry you are feeling that way too. I've had a crap week myself with anxiety and not wanting to cry all the time and feeling down. The feeling is horrible I know. Have you considered a counsellor or a psychologist you can talk to? if you find a good one it can help as there is a lot of support that can be offered to you.

I hope you do start feeling better soon and don't be scared to take the anti depressant as it will help you heaps, it wont work straight away but it will work after time and I bet you will feel a whole lot better.

All the best and hope you feel better soon hun :)

18-05-13, 12:07
Hi Jilly,

I'm on citalopram for the 2nd time and I find it very helpful for anxiety and depression. The first few days of starting are the worst, and then you should gradually start to improve. This illness can be treated and you don't have to suffer like this. If you PM me any time, I'll be most happy to help you, especially through the first few days of starting meds. :hugs:

18-05-13, 14:57
Jilly you have so much going on at the moment...just want to send you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: