View Full Version : Stressing out..going to fail!

18-05-13, 13:20
Hi all,

I'm new here, I joined today because I have no one else to turn to because nobody knows how I'v been feeling. I'm at uni in halls and I have exams next week and assignments due in on Monday. The uni staff know about the problems I've been having and they referred me to a uni psychologist but she has left now and I haven't had a session for a few months. I stopped going to lectures as much recently and missed all the info for the assignments so now I have no idea what I'm writing. I have two due in on Monday and I haven't even started one of them!!

I emailed one of my tutors earlier in the week asking a few questions but she never got back to me and now it's the weekend, and I've asked my course mates for help but they gave really vague answers because they think I didn't go to lectures because I couldn't be bothered. I've spent the whole week every day trying to write these essays but I just can't function anymore because I worry so much, it's got out of control. I have no idea where to turn to and failing just isn't an option because I couldn't handle everyone thinking that I'm a failure. What do I do??? :weep:

18-05-13, 14:13
Hiya. I'm in halls too, first year. I've finished and going home tuesday so I can tell you what a relief it is when it's all over. I suggest you organise a detailed schedule for the rest of the time you are at uni this term of what lectures you are going to attend and when you are going to do each essay and how much of it. The lecturers will be willing to give you extensions - A guy in my class got an extension of 2 weeks for all his work as he is bipolar and felt unable to work last term.
What sort of problems are you having? Helps to talk about them.

18-05-13, 15:00
Hi thanks for replying :) I've finished all my lectures now just got these two weeks of exams and assignments then I start a four week placement. I find it impossible to concentrate on anything and I just get overwhelmed by the work, and I cant get out of bed in the morning at all or sleep at night so I've been missing a lot of lectures. My course is NHS funded so our attendance gets marked down and I had an attendance meeting because of it. It was there that I told her everything and broke down into tears. They were really nice and gave me mit circs for the last exams, except my problem is that I don't ask for help enough. So now these last few weeks I've been finding things really diificult but I haven't told my tutor. And now the deadline is this Monday so it's too late to get an extension isn't it?
I feel like a massive burden to them which is why I never ask for their help. I've had anxiety and depression for years now and it makes education seem almost impossible, but I don't want to be a failure so I just carry on!

---------- Post added at 14:00 ---------- Previous post was at 13:39 ----------

I genuinely don't think it's realistic to think I can pass this course. And even if I do I won't have tutors to fall back on in the real world!

18-05-13, 15:25
At least you are aware of where you are going wrong, that you don't ask for help enough. You should be getting some therapy now and perhaps some medication. For now, what self-help techniques are you using to help yourself calm down and lift your spirits? Do you have some time in the day you can set aside to relax?
You don't need to have anxiety forever, it's very treatable if you put the effort in!
If you don't get the essay in on monday it's not the end of the world, I'm guessing there is a "cap" if it is up to a week late and you can put in a good effort if you like. Otherwise I would speak to your tutor first thing monday. What year are you in? What course is it?

18-05-13, 15:28
I'm sorry you're struggling too much. I think you need to email your tutors about the assignments. Even if they don't see it in time, at least you've tried. Then go and see them first thing Monday morning. Write down what you need to say if it helps.

If you haven't already, it might be worth applying for Disabled Students Allowance, as this may fund a support worker who can help you liaise with tutors over your difficulties. Possibly you may even be entitled to a note-taker to help you for when you can't attend lectures. Even if you haven't applied for DSA at the monent, your uni's disability department may be able to help you in practical ways over your current situation.