View Full Version : Ive never had a job!!! :O

18-05-13, 15:11

My name is Dan, im 24 years old and live in somerset.

I have had a social phobia for around 6 years now and about 4 years ago i was diagnosed with having agoraphobia, as time has gone on this has got quite bad and at the moment im quite housebound, i only really go out occasionally on my bike knowing that im not going to see many people as i live in the countryside and have to try and stay fit.

Im looking to meet some friends who maybe live close to me and who would eventually maybe like to meet up, so we can try and help each other, at the moment i have no friends and everyone i did know have basically moved on and had familys of there own, so i feel like im getting left behind, even my younger brother who is 3 years younger than me is going to uni and enjoying life, i also have an older brother and he has 4 kids,an everytime i see him, he asks me what i have been doing and everytime i have to try an make stuff up to pretend that ive been busy lol, i need help! :doh:

This will probably sound shocking to you all but ive actually never had a job :ohmy: and i dont have any qaulifications as i got expelled from my secondry school, so i feel like ive done nothing with my life and im missing out on alot.

Am i on my own here? is anyone in a similar position as me? let me know and thanks for reading.

18-05-13, 15:54

I am sure you are not on your own. Are you having any treatment, on any medication? Medication and therapy can help; what does your GP say?

Good luck

18-05-13, 16:55
You are not alone! You have us lot! :D

Is there anyway you can study or do a course on line? Are you getting help from anyone (GP, counsellor etc?).

18-05-13, 19:35
i have been to see a theropist before to do cognitive therapy but it didnt do much good, im not on medication now but i was on fluoxitine for a few years, back along but i think taht was more for depression.

what medication are you guys on? can you recommend anything?

18-05-13, 21:31
I think you need to go and have a chat to your doctor, there are a lot of things that he could prescribe for you and maybe refer you for some sort of counselling.

19-05-13, 14:57
i have been to see a theropist before to do cognitive therapy but it didnt do much good, im not on medication now but i was on fluoxitine for a few years, back along but i think taht was more for depression.

what medication are you guys on? can you recommend anything?

Please go back to your GP and, if necessary, print out your first post here to show him/her. Only they can decide, having viewed your medical history, what might be suitable for you - or a psychologist/psychiatrist might be able to do this, but you will need a referral.