View Full Version : Can't stop weighing myself

18-05-13, 16:37
I am concerned about my weight (underweight for a male) for my height, BMI, always have been. Both my parents are skinny.

My mum was reading an article in her magazine about she is scared that I would end up on a drip if I am not careful. I do eat regularly.

I keep having to asked family do they think I lost weight. I know different scales tell you different things. As I have tried four different sets of scales, but it is best to use the same one every time.

I have a big fear of cancer as people say you lose weigh quickly if you have cancer whether it all cancers (I having no problems eating) also I am quite anxiety/anxious at the moment for the last 6 months worrying about 'bowel cancer' as well as other cancers.

My doctors do weigh me to reassurance me that I have not lost weight.

I am going to asked for tips on how to put on weight safely when I go for my CBT next month as I should be about a stone heaver for my height and BMI.

18-05-13, 17:08
Hello there. For me, the last line of your post says it all...."I am going to asked for tips on how to put on weight safely when I go for my CBT next month as I should be about a stone heaver for my height and BMI". If I had been going to give you sensible advice, then this is exactly what it would be.

I had a problem at the opposite end of the scale to you, believing I was too plump (when I wasn't) likewise I was forever weighing myself. In the end, I got rid of our scales. It was the only way I could stop doing it.

Perhaps it would be impossible for you not to be in a place where scales are available but the best thing is not to get on them at all. Rely on what your doctor says. Put your trust in them. This is a difficult ask I know but they can do this for you in a structured way which ensures you are not over-thinking this whole thing.
When feeling particularly concerned about illnesses that might come from all of this... First off you need to distract yourself. When you realise you are dwelling & the negative cycle of thoughts is beginning.... Literally shout inside your mind STOP!!!! Tell yourself to STOP. The negative cycle can be broken.
Also, if the thoughts are recurrent, which itmsounds like they are, then ultimately you can face the, & deal with them. i would suggest again that you put your trust in your doctor. Discuss your fears with them. Listen carefully to their professional opinion about the situation, they are after all fully trained health professionals and will have your best interests at heart.

Also, it occurs to me may be your natural make up is to be on the skinny side. For some people it is actually natural to be underweight & probably moreso as your parents are skinny too. The world is a right mix of people of all different shapes, sizes, weights & so on. Some are under, some are over the so called perfect weight. And of course some are "spot in". But not everyone all of the time will be right where the charts say we should be. That is just impossible.
On a more light hearted note think of the world as a whole. There needs to be a certain amount of weight in the world. When one person loses it, another one might put it on. The total probably stays the same. Fluctuations are natural & happen to all of us.
So, you take your own advice about seeking healthy ways to gain weight & get stuck into your CBT. I had CBT for issues if my own & it worked very well indeed. Yes it had ups & downs but that is life. You will get there my friend... & everyone here, including me, will be behind you.

18-05-13, 17:18
I'm on the edge of underweight...always have been really, just how I'm made. I worry too as in this society everyone is a bit plump and people always comment on my skinny arms and flat belly. Then you worry more and feel less appetite! I don't eat as much as some people in my house I know that but I feel I eat plenty all the same. I think metabolism changes with stress. Or you're just naturally thin like me, as you say your parents are. You're body won't let you get too low without you forcing it :)