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18-05-13, 17:36
Is personality disorder a mental Heath problem I'm sure my mum has pd she can't have a relationship with her children for long without causing problems she constantly tells horrible lies everything is all about her she can only have one or two people in her life at once an the ones she does have a relationship with she's very very needy . She goes through stages of not speaking to me for years on end she's fell out with me again recently an I've made the decision now that enough is enough I've done nothing but cry for days over it but I can't do it anymore shes in her 70s now an not showing any sign of mellowing out

18-05-13, 17:45
It's dangerous to assume she has a Personality Disorder unless she sees a psychiatrist or gets a formal diagnosis. Although people with Personality Disorder cannot live normal lives and are often very unstable, requiring a combination of medication and intense therapy and support. To be honest I've met people like your mum during the course of my life and it could just be her personality rather than a psychiatric disorder.

18-05-13, 17:51
Just trying to make sense of it all I suppose just my thoughts are when someone constantly makes up stories an lies their has to be something wrong maybe not pd .

18-05-13, 18:02
I agree with Rennie..My ex husband was diagnosed with personality disorder but other mental health problems were ruled out first before his diagnosis. Unfortunately it is often difficult to get a diagnosis as the person with the problem won't always accept any intervention.

18-05-13, 18:11
I agree. She would never admit to a problem maybe their isn't a mental Heath problem maybe it is just the way she is it was really hArd growing up with the way she is an done nothing but cry yesterday I just needed to vent I suppose

18-05-13, 18:14
I can understand that Lisa, it must be difficult for you but I am not sure it sounds like PD. My ex was eventually sectioned and that was when he was given his diagnosis but there was a lot more too it then relationship problems.

18-05-13, 18:18
Thanks Annie I will be ok in a few days once I get me head round it again .