View Full Version : Have I got gallbladder issues???

18-05-13, 18:49
For a few weeks not everyday I'm getting a very slight twinge and burning feeling on my right side radiating round to my back! Does it sound like gall bladder probs as I think it's a bit high for my kidneys, also been feeling nauseous today

Any help is much appreciated

Thanks Jayne x

18-05-13, 19:18
It's possible. Gall bladder is usually a pretty easy fix though. Does it get worse when you eat spicy foods? I had myself convinced I had Gallbladder issues about 3 years ago and I gave myself all the symptoms. They immediately stopped once I realized I couldn't do the test because I was breastfeeding my daughter. Urg!

18-05-13, 19:33
Thanks no doesn't get worse when eating really just worrying me xx

18-05-13, 20:06
I can answer this as I've had my gallbladder removed. I can say that it's the worst pain I have ever experienced. I felt it on the right just under my rib cage, radiating through to my back and up into my shoulder.
Another symptom is pale stools, and also jaundice.
If you think you may have mild gallbladder discomfort, milk thistle is very good. Even now I get the odd twinge if I eat cheese or anything fatty. I mix up some milk thistle powder and it helps.
I had the operation just months after the birth of my first child. It's very common apparently after pregnancy, and I was breast feeding.
Try the milk thistle and see how you get on. An alternative is a gallbladder flush (Google it) but this didn't work for me.
Good luck.

18-05-13, 20:18
I have also had my gallbladder removed and had the same pain as Mipsy but I didn't have pale stools or jaundice. I did feel very nauseous with it though. If it gets worse or continues, mention it to your doctor and he may send you for an ultrasound scan.

19-05-13, 21:22
Thanks guys I will go my docs if it gets worse, been feeling very nauseous but that could just be anxiety as my anxiety has been high these last two weeks, I will get some milk thistle tomorrow thanks for the advise. Xx

07-06-13, 07:23
Hey jayne I have been having this problem too! It feels like a pressure or burning throb, even stitch like ache around my right rib area, trying to get the guts to ring my doctor but I get so anxious it's a viscous circle! I also feel some pain across my right shoulder blade. A hot water bottle has helped a little but it only helps short term. I hope you feel better very soon xxx joe

07-06-13, 21:38
Aww poor you if it is gallstones.

I have had my gallbladder taken out too and it was the best thing I ever done. I'm the biggest baby when it comes to hospitals and especially surgery, but that was the one operation that I couldn't wait to have :)

I even woke up from the surgery clutching my gallstones which my surgeon had kindly put in a test tube for me, the nurses said I had them in a vice like grip :roflmao:

The pain, like Mipsy and Annie have both said, is agony, I got the pain under my ribs on the right side going through to my back and I was sick every time I had an attack, when I had my scan there were 5 lovely gallstones there to be clearly seen.

It's best to try and avoid all fat if you do have gallstones, I couldn't eat fat at all, it would bring on an attack within 10 minutes of me eating it, so no fried food, no pastry and nothing containing fat. I lost 3 stone whilst waiting to have my operation :) :hugs:

07-06-13, 22:05
Hi! Don't be scared (though I know it's scary!). I recently found out that I have gallstones--I'm 24 so this is kind of weird to me, but apparently people of all ages do get them and it is common. Doctors aren't sure if my gallstones are what's causing my pain, since my symptoms aren't typical (back pain, bellybutton pain, bloating, burping, constipation/diarrhea). However, I do know that with the stones there's always the chance that they can cause problems later on, so even they aren't doing problems now, better to get it done now instead of waiting when it's an emergency.

Definitely try a low/no fat diet, some people like apple juice or grape juice as they say it helps to calm down the gallbladder, and hot compresses are amazing. My surgeon's office does gallbladders the most out of any surgery, and my surgeon has personally done thousands of them. If you do need surgery, it's relatively quick and recovery is a week or so usually. Then you never have to worry about the pain again!!

Sidenote--I have also read that people have your symptoms from IBS, gas, and acid reflux. Try to get a gallbladder scan to see if anything shows up :hugs: