View Full Version : Got the health anxiety again; fears of throat cancer. :(

18-05-13, 19:38
I'd been doing really well recently, hardly had any health anxiety at all but that could just be because my body wasn't acting up much.

But anyway now for the last two~ months I've had this feeling in only the right side my neck and throat, it's like sharp shooting pain that goes from the bottom of my neck to my right ear causing an earache. The side also feels kind stuffy and even the act of breathing makes a very dry, raw feeling down the right side of my throat. I've had to cough after eating greasy meals for quite awhile not but recently it's turned into coughing / needing to cough after every meal for at least 10 minutes along with phlegm in my throat. Lastly the pain and stuffy feeling seem kinda random, like when I wake up I'm like "Woohoo it's gone" but then it'll appear again either in a few hours or later in the day.

So basically now I'm really scared it's throat cancer, I've got a GP appointment for this coming tuesday but that seems so far away and recently the whole ordeal of symptoms feels like it's been getting more frequenct and worse. What do?

Edit: Oh yeah to add on to this, recently the simple act of needing the toilet makes me get really painful stomach cramps that last even after I go sometimes and in a really bad case they make me get lightheaded, hot, sweaty, and the really odd one is that I start to gag sometimes. Though the really bad ones are rare it's usually just stomach cramps and lightheadedness though I sometimes need to go like 4+ times a day which is not very nice to be crampy like near all the time.

18-05-13, 22:22
You may have what I have, a blocked eustachian tube in your ear. I get neck pain and sinusy and a bit of a sore throat.
Anxiety can play havoc with our bowels. I have IBS and it's mainly anxiety related. Sometimes, like tonight, I have sudden urgency, and then feel lightheaded. Y
Hope this helps x x

24-05-13, 16:57
You may have what I have, a blocked eustachian tube in your ear. I get neck pain and sinusy and a bit of a sore throat.

Hope this helps x x
I can only hope, today the my ear, nose, throat and neck all feel really, really stuffy it seems like it's getting worse and I'm really worried now. My nose is like half blocked and when I swallow or breathe it mainly feels like stuff goes down only the left side like the right side is closed up.

I saw the GP and they thought it could be a case of "silent reflux" and told my to try gaviscon for a week and to come back for a ENT referral if it doesn't clear up. I'd rather she did referred me to an ENT right then because it's just more waiting times and more uncertainness. Would a GP be able to see if a eustachian tube is blocked when they look in your ears? Since my GP looked and said I had "nice shiny ear drums".

Also on another note of something I told my GP about it my partner noticed I have this red spot on my back a little bigger than a peas width, which has been noticed for a few months now so my GP gave me a topical steriod + antibiotic and said to come back in a week as well to have it checked out again. But I'm pretty certain it's a basal cell skin cancer. Here's a picture of it. http://i.imgur.com/FuFTxoI.jpg