View Full Version : general anxiety

28-09-06, 18:54
hi everyone, just wondered if anyone else suffered the same as i do. here goes... in 2002 i had a bad panic attack, and several more over the following months, went to gp after gp and was diagnosed with everything from headache to sinusitus! eventually got to see a pyscatrist(shrink) and he diagnosed anxiety. I could have kissed him, as he knew all my symptoms. The trouble is now, dont quite know how to explain this, but i seem to have a fear of the symptoms. As soon as i spot one of them, could be having to use the loo a lot or stomach churning, i recognise them as the anxiety symptoms, then start getting into a panic as i never want to feel like i did again. Trouble is i always end up feeling like it, as i worry about each one! I can go weeks and feel "normal" you know, happy go lucky. Then i ll spot one!!lol and the circle begins. does anyone else feel like this? would be great to know im not alone

28-09-06, 21:29
Oh yes - I take it as a good sign that I am getting better cos' I hope this fear will disappear gradually. Ahh ever the optimist!!

I get worried in case it is a sign of the slippery slope down but my therapist tells me that it is much more likely I will gain more control and handle it all better. So I try not to make a huge drama even it means spending most of the morning on the loo. Though I admit to many angry tears of frustration today!

Sometimes that works - sometimes not as successful. Have you read the Claire Weekes book about Self Help for Nerves. She goes through the symptons and I must re-read it cos' it did help.

And I agree - I nearly kissed my Doctor when he said I had anxiety and I wasn't actually insane.

29-09-06, 17:19

Yes I sure do know what you mean. For me though I feel tense or troubled (about what i do not know like a sense of foreboding) which then brings on physical symptoms and before you know it I am in anxiety soup - that viciuos circle you talk about. Have replied on the post you sent to me. You are not alone with this. Are you on any medication for this and what help have you had?


29-09-06, 17:25
yep i feel the same way! sometimes i think i make my anxiety worse by actually worrying when the feelins will happen or whether a little pain means its coming back!