View Full Version : Oral C fears back again.

19-05-13, 00:27
Hey guys.

So my Oral C fears are on a high again (it won't seem to go).

I had/have a swelling/bump or something on the very back (past the teeth, where lingual tonsils are. My tonsil are not swollen though) of one of the sides of my tongue. Because it was/is bigger than my tongue is in the exact same place one the other side of my tongue, I've managed to convice myself (again) that it is a cancerous growth INSIDE my tongue. As you cannot see anything at all, only feel it. Anyway I was prodding it Friday night to see how hard it was in comparison with the other side (not much difference). I ended up popping it (I think). I felt a small click under my finger and then had an off taste in my mouth (kind of acidic?), though I felt no liquid come out of it.

I have convinced myself I've popped my cancer and now it going to spread faster. Is that even possible?. Can you simply pop cancer?. I don't know.

Also I have found a small hard moveable (well it moves about when I try to grab it to feel it) lump in my upper right cheek at the front right where your cheek kinda curves. I can't feel it on the outside but I can inside with my tongue. And my mind is running wild of thoughts that it is a cancerous lump in my cheek.

Now the logical part of me says the lump in my cheek is probably a swollen salivary gland/lymph node. Though I have no idea what the thing IN my tongue was. A cyst? Do they grow inside your tongue, without showing any visible signs?.

Why does my brain work like this?, it's honest depressing. Well I can't see the doctor till Friday, do I think I'll get in contact with my dentist on Monday and see if he can see me sometime this week *fingers crossed*.

Sorry for the rant guys. My mind seems to be my worst enemy right now.

19-05-13, 15:52
could it have been an ulcer that you popped, we all do what you are doing analysing what are bodys are doing, i am sure its all fine but get it checked or else you will be beside yourself with worry take care and blessings

19-05-13, 16:09
I sure hope it's something simple like that. It's driving me crazy, and it does y help that practically everywhere I look, there is something referring to cancer. Be it on the front of magazines, papers, on the bus, at bus stops, the TV. I understand how important it is to make people aware of cancer and to get checked out, but it's wreaking havoc on my mind.

19-05-13, 22:01
I have a slightly lumpy harder area on the side of my tongue. My oral surgeon said its not cancer. Lol I didn't think it was n just wanted her to take a look :)
I've also got a moveable lump in my cheek too.

I think cysts can be fluid filled! So might be just that .
I know if anyone took a good look they'd all find something odd in their mouths too.

Hope your appointment goes well x

21-05-13, 20:38
Hey Anxious_gal,

I did go to my dentist last week as I was worried about Oral C, but he said I had no signs of it. Though he didn't check my tongue, and I only realised by accident.

I'm mostly worried as I have the lump thing, had sore throat on/off for about 2 1/2 weeks (mild-moderate) and have the feeling of something being stuck in my throat (at the bottom. On and off for a year or so). That is it as far as I am aware.

I'm honestly petrified that it is the big C. It's started feel like there is something stuck down the side of mu tongue now, and all I can find on Google (I know, I know. really not helping at all) for this feeling is Cancer. Though I keep trying to tell myself that it's probably (hopefully) because I'm thinking about it and have been prodding it fairly frequently.

It's like as soon as I get my mind off of it, even for a second, something involving cancer pops up somewhere. It's everywhere. My mind keeps saying that its a 'sign' that I have cancer, and I'm not superstitious in anyway. Also the fact that I usually have pretty good Instincts about a lot of things, I keep thinking that I must have guess right. After all it's my body, so my brain should know what's wrong with it. Which is silly, but I can't help thinking that way.

It's driving me mad with worry.

21-05-13, 23:07
I don't think it's usually possible to 'pop' cancer, it's hard as far as I know because it's cells growing, not a liquid. If you definitely popped it it's probably something infected.

21-05-13, 23:40
Yeh that's what I thought. I'm pretty sure I 'popped' it, at least a bit as I felt a click and had this acidic kind of taste in my mouth.

I'm only worried still, as it's still a bit bigger than on the other side and a lot firmer too (I can push it in but it just takes more effort than on the other side). I don't know it just feels weird, but I can't see any bulges on the side of my tongue and neither could the doctor.

But I know I won't stop thinking about it unless I get it checked out properly unfortunately (damned brain).

mrs way to worried
22-05-13, 11:14
i could have wrote this ive got the EXACT same thing how strange i have the young thing and the cheek lump on one side and the weird taste thing in that side in at consultants tomoz my doc not worried nor my dentist but she refers me as ive been moaning about it for 2 years lol x

22-05-13, 12:26
It's horrible, isn't it?. This things your mind will do to you.

I have decided to make another appointment with my dentist this afternoon, and see what he says about it. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long to be get an appointment.

My cheeks is a little tender when I touch it inside. But I'm pretty sure that because I've been prodding my cheek about feeling the lump. I'd assume chewing it hasn't helped either.

If I DO actually have something wrong, then I hope it's something I've caused with all the prodding and nothing really serious.

mrs way to worried
22-05-13, 14:59
i have an off bite and also clench my teeth on one side in hoping its because of that ill let u know how i get on my app is at 9.30 im so scared

22-05-13, 16:24
I have a bad habit of grinding my teeth, so maybe that could have something to do with it?.

I just realised my inner gum on the side where the tongue feels bigger/firmer (right). I can feel it with my tongue. I'm hoping that's normal though, or I'll start thinking it really is for sure cancer an it's started eating through my gums.

The other side (left) may feel different as I had a big infection on a back lower tooth on that side I had a root canal for. So if anything I'd hope that had something to do with the change in the gum (plus it's tiny bit tender if I push on the gum there), after all the bit of him under my tooth has a permanent bump to it, apparently it's nothing to worry about.

My gum/tongue has probably always been like it is and I've not noticed before, as I never used to poke around in my mouth, until the past few weeks.

Good luck on your appoinment tomorrow, I'm sure everything will come back fine. After all you said you had it for 2 years, if it was anything serious you probably would know about it by now. Let me know how you get on. :)

---------- Post added at 16:24 ---------- Previous post was at 15:19 ----------

Made my appoinment with dentist. Not until next Tuesday at 9:40 though. But I have a vist with Doctor on Friday, so I can ask her to have a feel of my tongue first.

mrs way to worried
22-05-13, 20:22
will do i had a major infection and pain in wisdom tooth in the bad side i had been complaining for ages to dentist he said wisdom tooth was fine had an xray half year later tooth was major infected and impacted below the gum so had it removed but they had to cut into my jaw bone and it left me with muscle damage after it being impacted that long .hopefully everything is fine gonna keep praying x

22-05-13, 21:19
Ouch!, sounds painful. Hopefully everything will be fine and your mind will finally be at rest. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and wish you the best of luck :).

My wisdom teeth never grew through(well they haven't yet at least, I'm only 20 so there's still time). They are under my gum still (seen them on my X-rays), but seeing as they have never caused me any pain or discomfort, there doesn't seem to be any point in cutting my gum open to remove them, as it will cause more damage than is really necessary.

mrs way to worried
23-05-13, 11:59
just got back from appointment at the hospital all the lumps are normal nothing to worry about no tumours no cancer and he said oral cancer mainly effects old people and bad lifestyle and 80% of mouth lumps r benign.hope this makes u feel better in sure yours is the same xx

23-05-13, 12:06

Congratulations, I'm glad that everything turned out to be completely normal, hope your mind has been put to rest now :).

That's comforting to know, and it's come from a real doctor and not a search engine making itself out to be one.

Well I have my doctors appoinment tomorrow and dentist on Tuesday, so hopefully I can get it all checked out and not have to worry anymore. As when doctor looked she said she cannot see anything on my tongue that could indicate cancer, and dentist looked through the rest of my mouth and saw no abnormalities. I would just like them to have a quick feel of my tongue to make sure it is normal.

mrs way to worried
23-05-13, 12:41
he looked at the lump on my tongue and said it was completely normal he said its just from it catching on my tongue then he showed me his tongue and he had the same but worse .he was amazing he got a big mirror and gave ne a whole tour of my mouth every lump bump spot everything x

23-05-13, 13:30
That sound great!. At least you know he looked at every part of your mouth and helped a great deal in putting your mind at rest :).