View Full Version : My dad passed away 😭

19-05-13, 08:35
I feel so numb like I do t have any feelings at all I'm still thinking of having things wrong with me but. Then I think it won't matter ill go with my dad 😭why have my feelings gone its like someone as come and turned if my switch to emotions even thou in totally devastated I don't like the feeling at all even thou Wednesday night when it happend I was hysterical and the day after too but Friday yesterday and today nothing I feel nothing 😞😞😞😞 x

19-05-13, 08:39
Hi there,
I am so sorry to hear of your Dad's passing.
It is understandable that you will feel numb. Try to lean on family and friends who will understand how you are feeling.
I lost my dad 2 years ago, and I know it's an old cliche, but time is a great healer. There will come a time when you will think of all the special times you shared with your dad.
Thinking of you at this sad time.
X x

19-05-13, 09:12
Hi vicky. I'm very sorry to hear your sad news. No wonder you feel so numb. I believe it is very natural to feel like you do, perhaps our minds do this "not having any feelings thing" to protect us while we are trying to process what is going on in our lives. It must have been a really terrible time on Wednesday night & this will certainly contribute to your health fears. Again this is most likely a natural thing as it's the way that you have been feeling for some times. Perhaps it's how you react to stress. Your feelings are still there though vicky, they are just in hiding as it were. As I say, you are still processing some devastating news. Again I really am very sorry this has happened. I'm glad that you have your friends here at NMP at a time like this and I am sure that many people will have, sadly, been through similar experiences. But they (and I) are here to help you through so make sure you stay in touch. Keep talking my friend. Sending you big warm & caring hugs.... also make sure you spend time with your children & give them hugs too. I dont have children of my own but I know that my lovely nieces & nephews always make me feel better when I spend time with them and also when I hug them it just feels so good. As I say, big hugs to you too. xxxxxxx

19-05-13, 09:58
So sorry to hear that. Looking back on how I was when my Mum passed away I think you maybe in shock and that's what causes that numb and not really there sensation.

You have my deepest sympathies. As time passes the pain is not so raw and you learn to live with it. You will then think more about the good times with your Dad.

Take care :hugs:

19-05-13, 10:22
So sorry to hear that. Sending you hugs. X

19-05-13, 11:19
Really sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad. What you are feeling is totally natural. A horrible, horrible feeling. I know you cannot see it at the moment, but it will get better. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.:hugs:

19-05-13, 11:25
So sorry to hear of the sad loss of your very special dad.
thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time.
lots of love and hugs to yourself and your family
celticlasss xxxxxx :hugs::hugs:

19-05-13, 11:37
Sorry to hear of your dads passing.

I remember when my Mother passed away it was a strange time and as they say it does get easier.

19-05-13, 11:53
So sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you and sending you a big :bighug1: to help you through this tough time.

I think what you feel is a normal reaction to grief. Hang in there and be strong. It will take time. We are all here for you :hugs: Kitti xx

19-05-13, 12:14
So sorry to hear this, sending you hugs :hugs::hugs: xxxxxxx

19-05-13, 20:26
I'm so sorry.

Your feelings are very normal. You don't need to be scared of them. You won't always feel this way.

Talk here if you need. Sometimes you won't want to talk, so sit quietly if that's what you prefer.

19-05-13, 20:32
So sorry to hear about your Dad. There are many stages to the grieving process including numbness, shock, sadness, disbelief and anger. Its a horrid time and your emotions are bound to be all over the place for a while. As the others have said, once you have worked through the process things will settle down a bit for you xx

19-05-13, 21:27
So sorry to hear your sad news! Xxx

19-05-13, 22:02
So Sorry to hear this sending :hugs: for you and your family

20-05-13, 00:18
Hi guys,
I am extremely close with my dad, so I can see how devastating this would be. That being said, your behavior is definitely normal and expected. After having cried so much, it probably feels like you have no more tears to cry. The others are right, time is a great healer. This will also help make you a stronger person. This phase is just part of grieving, your emotions aren't gone forever.

Hope I helped:)

20-05-13, 05:59
So sorry to hear about your dad :(
I can't even imagine what you're going through right now.
Think positive, you will overcome this obstacle, I promise you
Sending you hugs:hugs: xx

20-05-13, 09:37
I feel so numb like I do t have any feelings at all I'm still thinking of having things wrong with me but. Then I think it won't matter ill go with my dad 😭why have my feelings gone its like someone as come and turned if my switch to emotions even thou in totally devastated I don't like the feeling at all even thou Wednesday night when it happend I was hysterical and the day after too but Friday yesterday and today nothing I feel nothing 😞😞😞😞 x
so sorry. u will get ther but u will never forget. my dad passd away last march. & it,s his 64th birthday next week. & he aint here. it hurts. but you will be ok. chat to me anytime. xxxxx

26-05-13, 19:24
illgetthere -how are you doing??