View Full Version : Mid tummy pains stick worried

19-05-13, 10:58
I am still getting really bad stomach pains, especially around my middle area (belly button height); its particularly bad at night and its really frightening me. Seen the Dr and he has ordered bloods and scans, but in the meantime I still have the pain/spasms. He thinks it is bowel related maybe inflammation, taking anti spasmodic tablets but they aren't helping as yet...another bad night though, paracetomol did help. So worried. :( Does anyone's pain get worse at night? Eating tiny meals, only soup last night which still caused the pain :( Not sure what to eat anymore...down to wholemeal toast which seems to be okay.

19-05-13, 11:24
One of my family suffered from what you are describing. She put it down to a bug, as it was coming and going. But it turned out it was gastritis , which we believe was caused by ibuprofin prescribed for pain. Is now on tablets for stomach which has helped.

19-05-13, 12:20
Thanks Flori, its such a worry and is taking over my life. I am taking acid blockers but the pain is further down; I am taking some anti spasmodic tablets today regularly to see if that helps...Do you know what tablets your family member is on? x

19-05-13, 12:53
You`re welcome Worrychick. she`s on Omeprazole twice daily. Have they gave you an endoscopy to see whats causing it.

19-05-13, 18:34
Hi Flori, no I am just having a scan of the upper and lower regions and blood tests tomorrow. I have taken two mebervine tablets today aswell, do you know if you can take them before bed?

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:33 ----------

Also, I am taking similar tablets to that but not helping the mid tummy pain only the upper, but maybe they take a few weeks, I have been on them about 10 days so far.

19-05-13, 18:45
Hi Worrychick ,don`t know about mebervine. Have you not got instruction for them.
In some cases it can take a couple of weeks for Omeprazole to work

Good luck with the scan.

19-05-13, 18:47
Thanks, not sure how long that will take, but will have bloods back by the end of the week hopefully.

19-05-13, 21:41
I've had those anti spasim tablets for IBS pain.
I was having terriable tummy pain above my belly button, almost as if my insides were being twisted. The tablets did help and made a noticeable difference for me.

Not sure 100% if I have IBS but anytime I get very nervous I'll often get that awful tummy pain until I relax .

How long until the scan ? It sucks you're in so much pain :(
You could try some pro biotic / natural yogurts, a dose of good bacteria might help . It's good to take them too after antibiotics as they mess up the flora in your gut.

It could be a bug, virus or some sort of inflamation in the intestines.

19-05-13, 22:12
Hi Anxious gal, I don't know if its IBS either... I am worrier and I have had some other health issues I was worrying about when this started and also a son at Uni and a daughter about to turn 18 so its quite a worrying time! I have taken 3 lots today but still getting spasms, its odd they can go for a few minutes then I can stand up or change position and they are back...and sometimes i actually forget about them if I am busy for a while. Its the nights that are bad though, but have some panadol quick absorb at the ready just in case for tonight as paracetomol has helped once it kicks in....trying leaving out pasta and bread and pototoes too after my blood test tomorrow....already having activia yogerts and wondered if they were making it worse but don't seem to make a difference......not sure how long the scan will be though but hope its soon as I need to get the right treatment. Thank you for replying... what are normally your symptoms?

19-05-13, 22:42
I've been getting a pain about two inches to the right of my bellybutton; it moves up and down but that's the general area. Started in January, went away after I stopped eating solids for awhile (had a swallowing problem that I'm still trying to get over), and it's coming back the past week or so. Feels like a muscle is being pulled or something, and it gets worse when I stand/walk, lay on my right side, and even if I'm urinating or trying to have a bm. Went to see a nurse in January and she said she thought gallbladder, but I didn't pursue the testing for that because I'm terrified of the HIDA scan. Seems a bit low for gallbladder, too.

20-05-13, 06:13
I have foundn that doing some guided relaxation techniques or meditation help with the pain. I have been having it on and off for weeks now and i'm sure it's stress related. Also, I have been put on a psyllium husk supplement that I take twice a day with yoghurt, which supports digestion in general and is good for you. You can get it at the pharmacy. Also, peppermint oil capsules are supposed to be good for gut pain. I was meant to get some today, so this has reminded me.

20-05-13, 22:19
I thought the gallbladder was behind the ribs... a friend of mine had an infection there and said she couldn't even bear to touch her ribs....why don't you ask for an ultra sound that is simple and would show anything :) x

---------- Post added at 22:19 ---------- Previous post was at 22:16 ----------

Lilharry, does your tummy feel tender too? This is worrying me today as although there is pain, its not normally quite so tender... i am drinking peppermint and trying to breath from my stomach which does help at night. I am having one activia yogurt too and today have decided to go wheat free!!! No idea if this will help but worth a try as so fed up with feeling in pain and bloated.

21-05-13, 03:41
I actually went to the doctor today about it and convinced him to get me an ultrasound of my abdomen instead of the scary gallbladder test! I saw an actual doctor this time and he didn't seem to think it's my gallbladder--so hopefully the ultrasound will show something so I don't have to pursue it. Also, I've heard lots of good things about people going gluten free!

21-05-13, 20:05
Glad you have got your ultra sound appt. Still waiting for my appt to come through.....I woke up with terrible frightening pains again today and it made me quite panicky....I took my acid tablets and some anti spasmodics which did help but couldn't bring myself to eat until 1pm and just had a slice of wheatfree toast and the same again at 5. Great for the diet!! When I get the horrible spasmy pains they are like nothing I've had before and my tummy now feels tender, so I'm worried about internal bleeding and there being a blockage....just going to stick to toast again tomorrow and see if a break from food helps it all calm down... hate my life being on hold like this. :weep:

21-05-13, 20:24
Oh dear :hugs: Drinking mainly liquids seems to help me somehow. So I've been doing smoothies. I'm used to that though because of my swallowing problem, so it's not a huge shock to me. :) One thing I'm wondering about is if there's some kind of stricture at my terminal ileum or something. Seems to be a Crohn's thing, though, and my tests for that were negative. Who knows; I'll get my scans done next week and see if they show anything. One thing that still helps me somewhat is warm compresses on the area. Maybe it's all muscular or something.

22-05-13, 20:17
Hi, well my blood tests were all clear so that is one hurdle. Actually had a much better day today on my second wheat free, dairy free, caffeine free day!!! But the night time will be the test when it all goes down!! How long have you been waiting for your scan, nothing through for me yet.... still on the acid blockers and anti spasmodics and will remain so for the rest of the course and until the spasms stop for a few days on the trot...so not entirely sure which one is helping!! Hope you feel better today. xx

22-05-13, 21:15
Welllll I've been having the pain since January but the doctor is only just now having me get scans, as I've lost a really huge amount of weight since then and he's concerned it's something really bad. So a week from my doctor's appointment but a few months from when this all first started. :) I'm actually having a better day so far today, too *fingers crossed*. Something puzzling to me is that walking around makes it both worse and better--seems to make it go away faster and possibly help prevent it? But when I have the pain, it hurts to walk. Weird stuff. Maybe it's some kind of weird trapped gas but not sure why I'd have it for months and months. We'll see what the scans say! I also have to get some blood done but need to go before 8am as they're checking my cortisol. So that might take a few days due to my schedule :D Hope you continue getting better on your new way of eating! xox

22-05-13, 21:25
How much weight have you lost? I've lost around 7lbs but that is through eating much less as it helps! I hope you have a good outcome :) x

22-05-13, 21:34
Somewhere between 40 and 50 pounds since the beginning of February. Some of that is from my swallowing problem, and some is from the fact that I eat half a piece of toast before I feel so bloated! Haha. Great because I needed to lose weight, but geez I feel gross losing it like this! Thank you for the well wishes!

23-08-13, 10:03
It seems I had a tummy infection called aero hydrophila- very rare, still off the wheat and gluten but tummy pains gone and now just need to get off the ppis which is proving hard.