View Full Version : "Real" worries. Intimate stuff mentioned :-(

19-05-13, 13:18

I have a looonnng history of HA.. lots of posts on palps, globus, cancer of various types etc. Most of those have either been in my head or as a consequence of anxiety :blush: .

I now have have a "real" worry and I'm scared I can't or won't be able to cope.

I had treatment for cervical precancer 6 years ago. Since then I have had 1 ectopic pregnancy. In the last year I've had 2 ivf cycles (one negative and one miscarriage) and a natural miscarriages.

Two weeks ago, as I was having my second miscarriage, I got a letter in the post from my latest smear saying that high risk HPV has been found and I need to go back to colposcopy. I am worried about this. I don't think I have cervical cancer but I am worried I have cell changes again, either on my cervix or elsewhere that will need treating.:weep:

My self confidence self esteem has gone through the floor, I hate my body and feel that it has let me down again. We have no children. I'm not sure how to cope with this. I went to my GP 3 months ago and am on the waiting list of counselling.. I've called them and emailed them and they told me to just be patient. :weep:

I would really love some support with this, either advice or positive messages. I know my problems and worries are insignificant compared to others, but I'm really really struggling.

thank you

Space x

19-05-13, 13:28
I am really sorry that you are going through so much at the moment and I can understand how this will make you feel so anxious and low. Do you have an appointment to go back to the hospital yet?
In the mean time you could try this link to help with your self esteem. The waiting lists for CBT are ridiculous, In the mean time you could try this link to help with your self esteem. http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=47
Your problems and worries are not insignificant compared to others at all..we each have our own problems and worries but they are unique to each of us and all as equally worrying and stressful to us. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

19-05-13, 14:05
Hi Spacebunny

Did they say you had abnormal cells or just tested for HPV?

It's just if they haven't mentioned abnormal cells then it is probably just that they want to look at the cervix more closely because of the HPV

I know it's really hard but try not to worry, these things are very easily treated. I've had a few lots of treatment to my cervix, never been told if I have HPV but always just assumed I must have due to having a few abnormal smears.

6 years is not that long in the cervical cancer scheme, you have obviously been going for regular smears and just keep in mind that even from cells being attacked by HPV it takes years for them to actually develop into something nasty and that's assuming they do, in a lot of cases your body will just fight off the virus and they will sort themselves out.

It sounds like you have a lot going on at the moment and this is probably the last thing you need.

I'm sorry your IVF hasn't worked out yet and I think you need to stop being so hard on yourself, you are effectively grieving at the moment and you need to give yourself time to heal.

Sending you positive thoughts and I hope you can get some support with counselling/CBT soon.

take care xx

19-05-13, 20:00
Hi there,
Just saw your post. I was in a similar position, I had a smear 3 years ago and it came back mildly abnormal (CIN1) I was told to wait 6 months for a retest and the results were severely abnormal (CIN3) I remember being absolutely terrified, thankfully i had colposcopy treatment which cleared it up, I'm sure that you'll be the same,
sending you big hugs and be kind to yourself xx just try and take one day at a time xx

20-05-13, 00:43
I had a colposcopy done as well, due to cell changes (previous diagnosis of HPV). It was all clear and have never had a single issue since and had 3 kids after all of that. I will say a prayer for you that all is well!