View Full Version : That rush rush err! feeling

28-09-06, 20:28
My anxiety comes in phases when i am having a bad time, i just can't stop myself from doing everything in a total frantic rush, driving, housework, diy' anything. I constantly feel like i'm living at 100 miles an hour, it's so hard to switch off, even though sometimes i have a lot of time on my hands it does n't stop the rushing feeling. just wandered if anyone else felt the same and how they manage it.


Two heads
28-09-06, 20:42
I can so relate to that dave.My sis even told me to sit down today and slow down but i couldet because i was having one of my anxious days.
on these days i just find it hard to not do anything,i caut do anything slowly.xxxxxxxx

28-09-06, 20:50
Welcome dave.Well when i get that rushed feeling i try my deep breathing exercises ,this helps me a great deal.Also you could try a yoga class that is brilliant hopes this is of some help to you we,re here for you ,give it a try.
:) lorraine

28-09-06, 21:42
Thanx guys.


29-09-06, 08:28
I feel like that sometimes and worry that it means Im manic - see the Stephen Fry worry tv post! Other days I have no energy at all.


29-09-06, 09:37
Hi Dave,
I know exactly what you mean. I feel like i'm in a race most of the time. Ive always thought its stress from having too much to do and not enough time to do it,but that cant be right cos some days I dont feel that way but still have the same things to do. I wish I knew the answer to stop the rushed feeling,but I feel better knowing someone else has the same as me. Take care.

julie x

kate H
29-09-06, 09:56
I'm the same Dave. I think its a mind thing, if u keep rushing around an d u keep busy it keeps your mind off the fact you are having an anxious day. I too rush around like a looney most days then on the odd day my body says "not today" and goes completely the opposite and I hve no energy or urge to do anything (bit like today really)


****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****

29-09-06, 10:02
Hi Dave

I can totaly relate to you too, its like i cant bear to have anything in my mind, so i have to get all the jobs done quickly so i have nothing to think about. i cant leave anything until the next day or it drives me mad thinking about it in my head. I geuss we have to learn to relax more.



29-09-06, 18:04
thanx guys at least i know i'm not on my own now.
take care.
