View Full Version : Feel so out of it!

19-05-13, 13:34
Hey, I've been feeling completely out of it last few days - so unbelievably tired, weak, was cooking breakfast this morning and nearly passed out, shortness of breath headaches on a night, I've had palps and chest pain for a long time but they've literally been on and off constantly for past 4 days. Ii also have this really strange buzzing in my ear that i can hear when i lie down!!

In general I feel pretty unhappy and miserable all the time, although I've felt like that for a good year now due to anxiety, the past week I've literally felt like crying every single day and I've always got butterflies in my stomach for no reason! Something really doesn't feel right! I had tests for my heart last month and everything came back fine along with blood tests but I just can't believe it is anxiety I'm just so convinced there's something wrong with me!

I'm currently on fluxonase steroid spray for my allergies/post nasal drip but I've had bad experiences in the past so I only take it every other day with half the dosage and I swear since I started it a week and a half ago my palpatations have been so much worse but after googling I couldn't find any relation to the spray and palpatations/feeling this bad!

In general I just feel really rubbish, Im trying to not visit the doctors so often but now Im thinking I need another blood test even though I had one last month! Is anyone else as bad as this?!

19-05-13, 13:50
Awww Ella

I am there too. Had another panic attack on Wednesday after being doing quite well for a number of weeks. Last 5 days have been exactly as you describe. The butterflies are ever present. Add in the increased heart rate and pain, and I can hardly get through the day.

I also dont want to bother my gp again, but what if something serious is wrong with me. I am actually at the point that I want something bad to happen so at least I can get treatment.

I am so miserable

Charlie x

19-05-13, 13:57
Hey Charlie, sorry to hear you're feeling like i am, i wouldn't wish it on anyone :(

Have you got a particular thing you focus on or do you always just feel like that in general? Ive gone from one ''illness'' to another and now i no theres nothing wrong with my heart I just feel that everythings all come on me at once. Its hard to describe how i feel sometimes because its so overwhelming!

Hope you feel better soon xx

19-05-13, 14:40
Ella, it always comes back to me focusing on my heart. My tests came back ok about 4 months ago. I got reassurance for a while.

I have constant discomfort in my left arm and armpit. There are no lumps though. I don't focus on other parts of my body and I don't google.

I am sat here feeling sick with butterflies, out of breath and pulse of 100. Scared to death at the moment. We all know our own bodies and something just isn't right. If it is truly anxiety, then how on earth do we make it go away? At least if it was something physical, then I could be treated. In some ways, putting it down to anxiety is actually worse.

Hope you feel better too. X