View Full Version : Fluey Headache

28-09-06, 20:28
HI all
Just wondered if any of you get a fluey headache.
The last 3 days I have woken up with a headache and feeling fluey, sore eyes/nose etc and tension in my neck.
I take painkillers and rest and it goes off during the morning and I feel fine the rest of the day.
Last night I felt fine when I went to bed only to wake in the night with the headache back and fluey feelings again.
Its only affecting my head. No aches and pains anywhere else.

I get this every few weeks lately and wonder if it is caused by stress/anxiety.
The odd thing is that I was a bit stressed last week but feeling more relaxed this week then bam I get the fluey headache again

I feel fine again tonight. Hope I dont wake up with it again tomorrow

Have any of you had this?


29-09-06, 03:48
Hey Brenda

Know xactly how you feel, Ive just started to get what feels like the flu (heavy head and headaches, sore eyes and just general lathargy) this week after quite a few days of serious stress! Think it might just be because Ive run myself down worrying. It might be the same for you.

Hope your feeling better soon!

Love Ness [8)]

29-09-06, 10:32
HI Ness
Thanks for that. I do seem to be worse after stress or if I do too much on the puter etc.

Hope you are OK now. I am feeling a bit better today. Must be careful not to do too much tho
Pam x

29-09-06, 12:38
Oh am I glad to hear of someone else suffering the same thing!! All week I have felt really 'fluey', as if I am about to come down with it, but havn't. Its been a real struggle some days to get out and about, but when I have, I have forgotten about it! Anxiety methinks?!
Did actually go to my doc this week to ask for help re depression/health anxiety, she gave me anti-deps. but am loathe to take them until I feel a bit more healthy, so they have sat in the cupboard untouched as yet.
I too have terrible tension in my neck/shoulders/back, which spreads up into my head...then a couple of Syndol tablets seem to do the trick, but make me feel a bit drowsy, and the next day I feel as if I've been run over- that sort of bruised, tender feeling?
Perhaps I should do as my friend suggests, and drink G & T's all day?!?!?!

Hope we all feel better soon

A x

PS; there are a lot of bugs about at the mo too, lots of nasty colds, sickness bugs etc. Could be one of those?