View Full Version : Harm OCD

Charlotte cosier
19-05-13, 20:37
Just want to free of this OCD it's really getting me down I often wish I was dead because if this. If anyone has had CBT therapy can u let me know if it works because I will b getting CBT therapy soon please

22-05-13, 16:23
Hey! I have had CBT. Not for OCD but for Health Anxiety. It really helps at first i was a little uncomfortable and embarrassed of sharing my thoughts with someone who would probably think i was crazy, but once i relaxed i found it really helpful. It's also good to know that you are not crazy and that there is a reason for the behavior pattern, you just need to learn and train yourself into a new way of thinking! If you are having thoughts of harming yourself though you should go back to your GP, i know the wait for CBT can be quite long and they may be able to give you something to help in the meantime. Stay positive...this site really helps too! :)