View Full Version : Menstrual cup anyone?

19-05-13, 21:02
I'd like to know if any of you are using menstrual cups. I bought one about 3 months ago but have not had the courage to use it longer than 5 minutes... I have this fear that I will pass out because of it. I've never passed out from anything though...

19-05-13, 21:10
Hi ashamed to say I have never heard of these, just googled though and they sound interesting. Can I ask why you are using them ?

19-05-13, 21:15
Mostly to save money and for environmental reasons. I've always had trouble with pads, I find them uncomfortable and they irritate my skin. I've worn tampons and have had no problem with them but I now have severe cramps and cannot wear any. I've read that menstrual cups don't induce cramps like tampons do. I just wish I was less concerned with this irrational fear of fainting.

purple to black
19-05-13, 22:41
Annie I also have an irrational fear of fainting, how do you cope with it? I, like almamatters have also never heard of a menstrual cup.

19-05-13, 22:51
I used to use one and it was fine.

20-05-13, 01:03
Purple to black, I have other fears presently bigger than passing out so it's not a main problem for me right now. I just tell myself that I've never actually fainted and that the sensations I have are due to stress and not to a real disease.