View Full Version : Introducing me

20-05-13, 02:37
Hai all, this is my first post on here and i do apologize for that as i've read so many posts on here and it's already helped me so much, i feel like i kinda know some of you. Anyway about me, i suffer from anxiety, i've had the symptoms now for a little over 3 years but its gradually got worse, it started off with being tired quite a lot my doctor had actually thought i had a mild form of narcolepsy and then came feeling ill and the feeling of being ill. it wasn't until around three months ago i was actually being physically sick this came shortly after heart palpitations, shakes and sweaty palms, i was prescribed citalopram for it which i was quite reluctant at trying but i can happily say that i've felt that they've helped me.
I work part time as a tutor, teaching basic IT skills to adults, my anxiety wasn't ever too bad at work until i had started being physically sick. My working time varies and so does the size of classes but its quite a familiar and nice environment in which i work which i think helps. My anxiety is quite random at the best of times i think what triggers it mostly is the fear of not being able to get to a toilet in time if i am sick or if theres even a toilet nearby, this triggers quite intense hot flushes which actually feels like being in a hot shower for seconds, its the only way i can describe it. My girlfriend is really supportive and so is her family, my mum on the other hand doesn't really understand, i live with my girlfriend and its hard to visit my mum because sometimes i just get really anxious about it and i end up rescheduling so i've never really been able to explain to her. I don't honestly understand why meeting up with my mum would trigger my anxiety either. Anyway im sorry again for not posting sooner :P and im sorry for the wall of text and my punctuation isn't the best lol.


20-05-13, 04:23
Pleased to "meet" you, Mike, and I hope you find some relief soon.

20-05-13, 15:54

Welcome to the site.

20-05-13, 16:46

20-05-13, 17:16
Welcome fellow newcomer! I liked your message, very informative! :):welcome:

20-05-13, 18:43
Hi Mike. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

20-05-13, 22:24
Hi Mike,

I'm a newbie just like you. Its strange that talking to complete strangers can help, kinda like having a personal journal that actually talks back to you. You can put all your problems and worries on a page and hey presto, a really nice reply comes back and lifts your spirits. Good luck and I'm sure us newbies are going to be fine.

22-05-13, 00:08
Thanks for the great welcome :)

Good luck and I'm sure us newbies are going to be fine. hehe thanks, i'm already loving it here.