View Full Version : 'ello :)

20-05-13, 08:28
Deleted my post. Feel silly opening myself up like that...

20-05-13, 11:09
I'm so sorry you are going through this but I'm sure you'll find support on this site. Everyone is friendly and helpful.
Take care,
J x

20-05-13, 18:41
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.

Sorry you're unable to open up at the moment, but when you do you can be assured of kindness and support.

20-05-13, 19:45
I know what you mean

20-05-13, 21:45
Ally-SA, try not to feel silly.... If you have a look at what other posters or re say (including me) you'll see we all have things that we'd rather not admit to or that we find difficult to talk about, even online. As mark says, when you are ready, you will be sure to get kindness & support here.....