View Full Version : New to this so hello all

20-05-13, 10:43
I've just discovered this site , I'm not sure what I'm doing , but ill give it a go . I've been on citopram 40 mg for years & didn't really feel like it was doing any good, so 3 weeks ago instilled taking them. I stopped cold turkey & the 1st week was fine , I didn't really feel any difference. Last week I started getting really bad headaches , now I can't stop shaking , my heart is beating out my chest .i can usually talk myself down if I get anxious , but this is a whole new ball game , I feel like I'm not in control of my own body or my mind. I realise now how dependant I am on citalopram , I don't really know what to do .i can't get an appointment at my docs for 3 weeks , I need something now , any advice would be greatly appreciated

20-05-13, 10:53
i am new 2 this

20-05-13, 11:10
I can understand you wanting to come off the meds, I am the same but one thing I do know ( from bitter experience) is that cold turkey is not the way to do it. Like you I like to think I can talk myself down but if you are experiencing withdrawal like this it can be almost impossible to do this. I would seriously consider starting them again and then talk to your doctor about a controlled withdrawal if you still feel you want to come off them. Can you get an emergency appointment or just a telephone consultation?
Sorry I can't offer you any advice on how to deal with this in the short term other than the usual keep busy, take a walk, relaxation techniques etc but I know it's really hard when you are feeling like this.
Don't be afraid to seek help with this. The doctors will understand.
I hope you start to feel better soon. I'll be thinking of you.

20-05-13, 18:41
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

20-05-13, 18:55
Hi , thanks for the support , I just wish I had found this site years ago. I have took citalopram today & I'm going to keep taking it until I can speak to my doc. I can honestly say this past week has been horrific , I've felt like driving head on to a brick wall but I'm a mum and a wife so can't destroy my children's lives . I know all of this & know what I would say to others if they said those kind of things to me . I feel as if I'm camping out & watching from another mind ,it's mental.
Right now I just want to feel normal & if normal means I need to take citalopram who cares