View Full Version : Divorce anyone?

20-05-13, 16:23
I'm not really sure where to post under for this. I have been going through a breakup for just over two years now. For the first two I was on autopilot I think and coped amazingly. Everyone said how well I was dealing with it with small children as well and how I'd come out of my shell. My panic and anxiety settled down as well rather than increased.

However as soon as two years hit I seem to have spiraled downwards. At around the 2nd anniversary of it all I came down with a virus and that seemed to knock me as I couldn't seem to get well again. Everything now feels too much, I can't see an end to any of this and the constant bullying from my xh is taking its toll.

How does anyone actually survive a divorce and come out the other end?

20-05-13, 16:30
Im going through the same thing and we have a two year old son had lots of bullying going on ever since we split 18 months ago, im exhausted by it all. And hes done so much awful things to me :-/ pm me if you likexxx

20-05-13, 20:15
I never believed it when I was going through mine, but you really will get through it. I'm on the other side now and in some ways am better off than when I was married. I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, and one day you'll see why, even though at the moment it just feels like your world is falling apart. Like you, I was coping really well then it hit me. I think it has to at some point. Feel free to pm me if you want to chat more.

20-05-13, 20:49
Thanks ladies. I know I'm much better off now than I was. He did me a favour leaving. But it's all the stress that comes with it. He's now taking me to court regarding the financial settlement so more stress to come. He's a bully too and likes to get his own way. Though he doesn't see it as bullying. It's really knocking my health for six. Constant anxiety, panic and palpitations. Feeling like I'm suffocating all the time. Not to mention being short tempered with the poor little ones. It's not their fault.

22-05-13, 19:59
Sounds just like my ex :-/ apart from he takes me to court over acsess to our son who he does see 3 times a week but hes trying to get more our child is only two the ex has bullied me for ages and alot of emotional blackmail he uses.
Im sure we will get through this and like you say its better than before:-)
Im still really ill with thw stress from it all and trying my best to brimg our child up hes seen me cry so much lately.
take care xxxx

23-05-13, 04:25
This sounds so familiar fluff! Mine sees ours three times a week too but its not enough and is now threatening court action to get more!

23-05-13, 08:16
It really must be a control thing then mummyanxious! Hes taken me to court 6 times now even he hasnt got far I think its just to put me through hell really :-/
Lucky its the final hearing soon :-) but im still so anxious about it all x