View Full Version : Does anyone else get mentally confused when anxious?

20-05-13, 18:34
I tend to get muddled up with words, cant think straight and generally not myself when anxious also I get shy....... I've had gad , social anxiety and depression for many years know, just wondering really is their anyone who goes through the same and how I could help myself?

20-05-13, 18:36
I do..I get confused about everything when I am anxious....cannot think straight at all.

20-05-13, 19:05
it's a very normal and expected side effect of anxiety. Excess emotion and limbic activity affect memory, concentration, and decision making.

20-05-13, 19:11
I think this is very common, I get this all the time when I am anxious. I forget where I have parked my car almost daily and cannot remember names of people I know well , it is a very frustrating symptom.

20-05-13, 21:45
Yes I get bursts of unfamiliarity as I call them as well as not being able to remember anything. Daydreamed past my bus-stop the other day!

20-05-13, 22:42
Yea I get this to

21-05-13, 01:04
didnt realise it was so common... interesting incognito! just need to figure how to fix it know...... lol im on sertraline for my anxiety and depression which has helped but the mental confusing , shyness, getting muddled up a lot ect hasn't seemed to have changed at all really. At the moment I make lists every day just to remember what I have to do each day which kinda helps........ as for being around new people or in groups things kind spiral....... saying that even around people I know i get the same sometimes just not as much.

21-05-13, 02:32
I get this, it can be very frustrating at times like I am not in control of my mind...maybe partly meds but definitely worse when anxious or stressed. I wish I knew how to fix it lol...if you find the answer let me know! I forget everything and have to make lists too!! Kitti :)

21-05-13, 16:33
I am like this. I get so muddled up sometimes. Am freaking out when folks are waiting behind me at the check out counter in shops.
not funny either to have this sort of anxiety
If I have to ring anyone I have to write their names down just in case I forget :doh:

22-05-13, 16:39
will do kitti kat :) lol im terrible in shops too magic the other week I was so certain I got short changed by £10 i went back in the shop to complain giving how my head is shyness /anxiety/ depression i don't like complaining! turns out i was wrong lol thinking its most likely to do with getting anxious getting muddled up a lot...... i have noticed with moods also when they are changing up and down a lot say in the one day my memory is terrible.

22-05-13, 17:04
yes i get this too hun i understand so your not alone :hugs:

22-05-13, 23:58
I get really forgetful too, often forget conversations or things that have happened, it bugs my kids a lot :)

NE21 worrier
23-05-13, 00:08
Yes, I definitely see where you're coming from. One habit I have noticed is that I will chop and change at the same time between two separate - sometimes only vaguely related - points when I am making conversation, resulting in it often coming across as garbled nonsense which results in complete confusion for the listener.

Thankfully, my friends are very patient and I will usually get there in the end but it is much, much worse when I am anxious - as if my head cannot properly process all the sentences I wish to make.

I guess it also reflects itself on here in textual form. My thread-openers are often long-winded and take quite a while to type out as I don't want to miss out anything which I feel might be relevant. I also write my own occasional blog on which I have very perfectionist tendencies, again meaning any posts on there frustratingly take up a lot of time...

Peter x

23-05-13, 03:04
yes i get things front-to -back when i am anxious, it is really hard work.... mind a blank ... lose the thread of sentences ... it does very little for my self-esteem issues. not really got a cure , just keep trying and it gets easier with practice and 'graded exposure' don't push yourself but don't hide from it- for me, it gets worse if i do. sorry i think everything is a bit of a balancing act!