View Full Version : Ibuprofen side affects

20-05-13, 21:01
Hi everyone ,
Today I was prescribed ibuprofen for a inflamed hip (outer side not the joint itself ) . The doctor told me to take them with or after food , which I did , then I made the mistake of reading the leaflet ! All those side affects have made me ,lets say a little nervous , any one else out there with experience of ibuprofen .
Thanks ronno.

20-05-13, 21:07
The same with any meds...they have to list every possible side effect but most are very rare.

20-05-13, 21:21
Not sure what dosage you're on, but I'm guessing it's 1000mg or less. Anyways, ibuprofen was my drug of choice for many years and I actually was taking it twice a day a few months ago. I stopped after I developed a swallowing problem and couldn't swallow pills (not related to the ibuprofen). Ibuprofen can give you a tummyache which is why they say to take it on a full stomach. It's really only an issue if you take large doses daily for a long, long time. I'm guessing yours is short term and you'll be okay. If I survived on my long-term doses, you'll be alright. ;)

20-05-13, 21:45
Thanks for your replies . I'm taking 400mg is that a large dose ?

Vanilla Sky
20-05-13, 22:39
No its a normal dose . The reason you take it with food is because Ibuprofen can affect your stomach thats all. Good for inflamation , Follow the right dose and times and you will be ok :)

20-05-13, 22:53
Thanks for your replies . I'm taking 400mg is that a large dose ?
Depends on how many times you take that a day.

I used to be prescribed ibuprofen for gout attacks (which are now under control with preventative medication). I took 600mg tablets 3 times a day for flare-ups, which lasted a few days.

I can't vouch for their safety over an extended period, but I'm sure your Doc knows what they're doing.

Only ever had stomach ache with them which was negated by just taking them with food.

As previous posters have said, other side effects are rare.

21-05-13, 07:21
Thanks for Your replies I'm on my second dose now , so far so good lol