View Full Version : I can't concentrate...tips? :O)

20-05-13, 23:08
As my HA is currently high due to raised lymph nodes in my neck, below my ear, coupled with the anniversary of my mum's death, I can't seem to concentrate. I work as a teacher and I am also studying at the moment and have an essay due next week! I am struggling to get the work done and give it my full attention as well as work and look after my kids. My husband suffers depression and I find I am trying to support him too.
I just seem to procrastinate by doing housework as I can't focus on anything else.
Has anyone else felt like this and have you any tips to help me get my head down and get this essay done! I know once it's done I can relax (hopefully!) a bit. It's just finding focus.
Thanks in advance.

21-05-13, 07:18
Hi mipsy.
A few weeks ago I felt like this, every five years I have assessments , if dont pass them I don't work ! I always get worked up . On top of this I was going through a period of not being to concentrate at all , my head felt full of cotton wool and I couldn't think through it. But instead of worrying I decided to do a little revision each day ( just half hour ) and adopted a attitude " if I don't pass I don't pass I can only do my best " and it worked for me .
I think sometimes we put ourselves under pressure and worry about something that might not happen and that's when our minds shut down , what your going through is classic anxiety . It will pass and your head will clear .
Take care.

21-05-13, 08:27
It's so hard isn't it. I have started doing meditation (guided lessons on the internet) that is supposed to help with focus. Maybe you could try some too.

21-05-13, 15:46
I always feel like that when it comes to school and similar stuff. I have an exam on Friday, which I haven't even started reading for, because I have so much HA and other types of stress in me! I usually just do it a little of the time, just start writing the intro page on the essay, maybe it will feel easier once you started a little!

22-05-13, 00:36
Thank you for you replies. It helped a lot. I'm going with the advice of trying to pace myself and do a little each day. My tutor has given me a two week extension, so I'm going to use it wisely. Might even do some relaxation.
Thanks :0)

22-05-13, 00:47
What about exercise? Blood flow might help your focus and concentration. It does for me.

22-05-13, 00:52
It would help but I feel so lethargic atm. My goal is if I get this essay finished, I will go back to the gym :0)

22-05-13, 01:00
Aaaawwww, go BACK huh? You, too? I used to work out 6 days a week before this HA hit me and I felt completely lethargic. :mad:

22-05-13, 01:02
It's true what you say though, exercise is great for anxiety and depression, raises those endorphins. I will make more effort :0)