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View Full Version : Strange I seem to be happiest when I have lots of personal space!

21-05-13, 04:20
Like right now I'm living with my gf... and I just kinda feel too closed in... like I need my own room to chill and do my own thing. I feel kinda pressured to live in a certain way or do certain things at certain times. Plus I love fun and chilled out houseshares and stuff still.

Maybe her and I don't click or maybe I'm just odd.. hm >.<


22-05-13, 13:22
Hi Hoppi,

It's not weird to want some personal space (and it's not even weird if you need a lot of it). I doesn't necessary mean you and your girlfriend don't click. :) My partner and I need lots of personal space too. We love each other to bits, but we don't feel like constantly sitting on the couch holding hands so to say.

How long have you guys been living together? And is this something you would be able to discuss with your girlfriend?