View Full Version : Infrequent PVC which is sometimes symptomatic

21-05-13, 05:17
Hi All,

I have just relocated from Holland to Singapore with my family. I am an healthy person and didnt have any heart issues whatsoever before. In past months, I have been under huge stress and suddenly starting feeling heart shakes, sudden extra beat or whatever you can call it. It wasnt constant but sometimes, I would feel 2-3 within a minute apart from eachother never together.
I went to the doctor, who immediately took ETT, alot of blood to check potassium, magnesium etc etc and heart ultrasound. All came normal, heart was functional normal. He put me on 7 days holter and during those seven day (which were last week) , I have been very nervous. I read all kinds of scary stories on internet. I guess because of anxiety, I ended up going to A&E on Saturday night , 18th of May and the cardiologist kept me there to ensure if there was nothing else wrong. Took more blood, did chest xray , and a CT angiogram, all came out normal. My 7 days holter tests report was given to me which says that I have infrequent PVC which is sometimes symptomatic. Cardiologist said usually they given nothing for it but just to calm me down , he has put me on Sotahexel 80mg for 7 days and xanas.
I am just generally worried. I am feeling dizzy and very tired. Now I am starting to worry if Beta blocker is a good idea. But if I dont take it, could this ectopic beats cause any other dangerous issue with the heart even when they are regarded infrequent and isolated??? Should I be on Beta-blocker or perhaps some calming medicine for a while to go through this stress period. Why did I start to feel these ectopic out of a blue and so clearly in past three weeks?
I would be extremely thankful if any one can help me who has gone through the same or knows more .
Thanks alot in advance.

29-05-13, 15:22
you have a had a very detailed testing procedure done on you and all physical signs are good, trust your doctors, believe me i suffer from awful ectopic beats and they only got worse thinking about them, triggers like sugar, alcohol and stress brings them on, even the gym starts mine off.

One reassuring thing is that there are no recorded links with death ect and ectopic beats / PVC so calm down and smile.

Your cardiologist is happy, your have no underlying problems and your heart structure is fine, find ways to chill out (i know its hard)

29-05-13, 15:34
You are lucky to be some where they took you seriously and didn't just tell you its anxiety, even though PVC are one of the most common symptoms,when we don't get a diagnosis we make them worse and scare our selves even more,which tabs are they, propropanol? beta blockers will not do you any harm but if you are still unhappy then go back and say please give me something to just take the edge off of the skips, that's what I call them.
You are brilliant travelling the world, whats it like their, good hospitals and doctors I have heard.

02-06-13, 12:16
Thank you so much for your answers . This gives me alot of relief.
Relocation is nice, if your company fully supports you. Medical system is indeed very good if you are fully covered. So my company initially said I was covered except for my family but when I got hospitalized here, it appeared that I had to pay 20% myself. when I tried to purchase the extra 20% to get covered , the insurance company refused me as I am on xanax.
I started taking magnesium oxide 440mg once a day and three times a day xanax, and i didnt have PVCs for two weeks now. My very first episode scared me off and yes also together with the cardiologist, we stopped the betablockers too. I truly hope it was one time event, related to acute stress caused no help provided by my company during the relocation. I just hope xanax and mag can keep it calm. Is it possible that PVCs can just occur as a one time event????
Thanks once again all of you to respond and to calm me down. Much appreciated.