View Full Version : Hello from Cornwall

21-05-13, 08:16
Hello folks,

I'm a 36 year-old chap living in Falmouth. I've recently finished an Environmental Science degree at Plymouth University. I've had depression with an anxiety chaser at varying levels of severity since I was 18. I'm living with my parents at the moment because my latest bout is the worst I've ever experienced. Really nasty.

I've tried St. John's Wort for the last two months, to no avail, despite sourcing the really good stuff (I won't name brands but you've probably read the same recommendations as I have). As of last Friday (17th) I've been prescribed 20mg per day Citalopram by the Doc.

Keeping fingers crossed for some sort of recovery. I find it helps to think of the depression and anxiety as a really nasty illness. While it's incredibly debilitating, it's something I can't control and so I can give myself a break from pursuing life as I think I should or would like.

Steve x

21-05-13, 13:05

Just to say hi and welcome. I am on week 6 (and a bit) of citalopram.


21-05-13, 13:42
Hello from Penzance :)

21-05-13, 18:07
Hi Steve. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

21-05-13, 18:51
Lucky you living in Falmouth, it's lovely there. :welcome: to the site.

21-05-13, 19:06
Wow, I've been reading PanchoGoz's Nothing Works link. Fascinating stuff, I'm going to be giving that a go :)