View Full Version : Anyone have experience of carpal tunnel?

21-05-13, 10:10
I'm wondering if anyone can explain their experiences? I'm seeing if they match mine so I can stop telling myself it's lung/bone/pancreatic cancer... :(

21-05-13, 17:35
I have carpal tunnel- affects my right hand mostly. I wake up in the night with my thumb and first two fingers completely numb, I move hand and shake it and feeling comes back. Sometimes I get mild pain - inner wrist going down into thumb and first finger but I am not badly affected. Wearing a splint in bed can help alot.

In bad cases the pain can go back up the arm almost to the elbow but it only affects the thumb and first two fingers and never the other last two fingers.

I'm a bit confused abouty you worrying about lung/pnacreas cancer as the symptoms are not remotely connected????

21-05-13, 19:33
Essentially I've been really unwell for several months now, mostly just separate thing after separate thing...but then in tandem I had a bad stomach, arm pain and eye inflammation -- however, the eye inflammation seems to be going, the stomach issues have all but disappeared/I've been really really stressed and anxious I'm not surprised if it's IBS.

But my arm is agony still, it radiates from just my knuckles, my elbow, my wrist and forearm and sometimes right up to my armpit. I'm just desperately looking for an explanation now.

I've seen doctors like 20 times in the last 6 weeks... I am supposedly getting a referral for IBD (its been two weeks and no one has even written the letter yet) but with my tummy settling and my appetite back with a vengeance I'm just focused on my arm -- and I've heard a lot about various cancers causing arm pain because of trapped nerves in your spine. I'm just in pain and fed up.