View Full Version : been doing well but taken a backstep

29-09-06, 11:06
Hi all

Have not been around for a while because have been doing quite well up to the last couple of weeks. Was suffering chest pain so had second opinion with cardiologist - ecgs, scan, treadmill test and 24 hour urine - all ok.

Doc said carry on as normal - exercise and push myself. So I have been feeling quite good. Then my eldest son went to university and the anxiety and fear kicked in and I haven't been able to shift it to date.

Started very gentle jogging/walking programme. First day was good and I felt I'd achieved something when I got home. But have been today and felt a bit dizzy, palps etc and got frightened - had to come home.

Just feeling rubbish now - it seems I am one step forward and three back. Although docs say all ok it is so hard to believe when I get all these weird symptoms. Chest tightness, throat and neck tightness, tingling in face (that's a new one).

To sum it up I am terrified of dropping down dead - simple as that. How do I get rid of this irrational fear - based on nothing!! Have called CBT therapist for an appointment.

Can anyone help?

janie xx

29-09-06, 11:09
Cant give advise today sorry
as am feeling it myself today!

But just thought i would offer a hug and a 'your not alone reply'

Hay x

29-09-06, 11:19
Hi Janie,

We all get those these blips hun and we are still here to tell the tale. I was worried this morning as I havent diagnosed myself with any cancer for the past 2 days! But I laughed at my own stupidity and tried not to dwell on it. This will pass for you and in the meantime we are all here for you.xx

Take Care


30-09-06, 18:19
Hi Janie.

Just wanted to say not to worry about the new symptom of tingling in face. I had this a lot last year and I haven't died yet! I even had numbness which frightened the hell out of me at the time. It's amazing the range of symptoms anxiety can give us.

30-09-06, 18:52
Hello Janie,

Well even after all the symptons you haven't dropped down dead. Sometimes it is difficult to rationalise anything but keep at it hun, just imagine that light at the end of the tunnel.

((((((((((big hugs)))))))))) for you and hayles

Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

01-10-06, 11:33
hello janie,
just carry on with what your doing.
exersise is ment to be so good for anxiety, just lately if im having an attack i have been carrying on with what im doing and trying to beat this demon it is hard but try and be strong you will get there in the end.
take care mandy xx

mandy d

01-10-06, 13:22
Hello Janie

I don't know your circumstances but do you think your son going to uni may have started you off again? I know as my children get older and reach milestones I feel myself moving up the mortality ladder and then the thought of death and dying become more prevalent (eg., I'm not far from the top yikes!!!).

I also have tingling face from time to time, like all the blood has drained from it too. But I'm still here writing about it (lol). Hope you feel better soon.

Kay x

02-10-06, 17:51
Hi everyone

Just wanted to say thank you for all your replies and words of encouragement.

Since posting I've had a few bad days - very high anxiety - didn't help coz rugby playing hubby got rugby boot in the eye and spent Saturday and Sunday in hospital getting stitched up!!!!

It feels like my nerve endings are shot at and that any trauma (little or large) sets the anxiety off again. But the fustrating thing is that's life isn't it? Full of mini and major traumas, ups and downs, happiness, sadness, anger............ just how we deal with it all is the difficult bit.

Thanks again all

Janie xxxxxx

02-10-06, 21:50
It's very difficult to accept that you are fine when you feel so anxious. I have been in a similar position since an operation left me with an irregular heartbeat two years ago - A&E and GP say I'm fine, but at the back of my mind it's still there. I spent the first six months convinced I was about to drop dead. I couldn't sleep because I thought I would die in the night. I got ectopics and missed beats a lot and spent a lot of time taking my pulse. Panic attacks, agoraphobia, the anxiety full monty.

I now try to go walking with a friend two days a week, just for an hour or so, and find this really helps. I am 3st overweight and unfit however, so I find walking quickly quite strenuous - I'm tired and anxious by the time I get home. Could this be your problem too? You maybe need to exercise more but just walking before jogging.

Also - for some reason I have been feeling a bit more relaxed recently, and guess what? in the last few weeks my pulse is fine. The anxiety really does cause the heart thing. I know that I have setbacks when I have to deal with anything remotely stressful (eg dentist), so I am sure that your son going to college is what triggered yours.

Two years on from my heart scare, two years full of ectopics and missed beats, I'm still here. I have not collapsed or fainted or anything. I am doing good at the moment, but I know there will be setbacks and relapses. I even expect the ectopics/missed beats to come back at some point. So, Janie, hang in there. I know it's easier said than done, but you will get through this - it's a temporary setback, it doesn't mean you will feel like this forever. As time goes on your confidence will return. There are so many people on this forum who understand and are sending you their best wishes. Good luck.