View Full Version : Citalopram withdrawal

21-05-13, 17:27
Hey Guys....

So I've been on Citalopram for about 4 years, and I've generally not had a panic attack for almost a year.
Spoke to my Doctor last week and he advised I could now come off them.

Its been 1 week and 2 days since my I took my last tablet and I thought the withdrawal would start to wear off by now, but it hasn't!!

I'm looking for some advice as to how long this lasts....
I cant sleep, I'm getting what I can only describe as rushes through my body and i'm so irritable with my kids.

I was on 20mg for 2 years, then 10mg for the other 2.

Any advice given would be more than appreciated...

Thanks so much.

24-05-13, 10:10
Its normal to have side effects in the first couple of weeks coming off them. But if you are worried and it continues then I would suggest telling your doctor as they will be able to help you more.

I hope you are ok as I understand its not very nice.

29-05-13, 20:49
I would have thought the doctor would have known about withdrawal symptoms, i was prescribed 10mg Citalopram last month, which had no effect , so he upped it to 20mg yesterday

24-07-13, 15:23
I have been on Citalopram on and off for the last 10 years or so and every time I come off them, I do it so slowly i.e. start by taking one every other day for at least 6 weeks, then either shave a bit off each tablet again, for at least 6 weeks and then gradually start by having half a tablet every other day etc. Each stage I do, I do for at least a few weeks and I've had no trouble at all coming off them. I read this once on the internet and it worked even though my GP said they weren't addictive! Hope this helps.

24-07-13, 15:34
I would suggest going from 10mgs to nothing will give you pretty bad withdrawal symptoms.

Tapering is the best way as suggested by JustJules.

Maybe 10 one day then 5 the next for at least two weeks. Then down to 5mgs a day etc.

Your body will tell you when you have dropped too quickly.

Hope it goes well.


25-07-13, 20:27
I would not recommend staggering doses daily, as this will give abnormal plasma peaks, especially as the half-life of citalopram is over 24 hours. Although it sounds tough, you will most likely have to tough out the symptoms for a few weeks. If they are very bad, see if your doctor will prescribe something short-term to ease them.