View Full Version : Breast worries

21-05-13, 18:52
Can I ask a question does anyone find they have one nipple more sensitive than the other?

Sorry this is a really bizarre post I know but since I'm going through my BC panic at the moment I've started to really focus on my breasts and notice every little thing about them.

I've noticed that one of my nipples tends to react quicker than the other, i.e when I'm cold or clothing etc brushing against it, one seems to shrink and become erect more so that the other one.

It has probably always been like this and everthing looks and feels ok but I'm panicking this is a BC sign and as usual I'm thinking it's something I've been ignoring or not noticed :weep:

22-05-13, 00:58
Can't say I've noticed but I'm not aware of it being linked to BC. I know that inverted nipples, or leaking boobs can be a reason to have them checked further.
I wouldn't worry about your symptom. I'm sure it's fine x

22-05-13, 09:24
im going through the whole bc panic atm, and I am too noticing more things happening with the left breast :( I have googled loads :mad:!!! and never come across what you have mentioned, only the leaking, inverted or blister on nipple.

22-05-13, 17:28
Thank you ladies I have booked for a breast check with the well women doctor next week, just wish I could stop focusing on them. It's probably been like it forever and Ive just noticed it. Obviously now I am noticing that and thinking is that nipple a bit bigger, again probably not or if it is has always been.

Just wish I could be one of those ladies who doesn't worry about BC every single day :wacko: