View Full Version : as anyone come off venlafaxine and gone straight onto something else

21-05-13, 22:14

Have been on venlafaxine for 7/8 months the last 5 of them on 150mg.

I have a horrible metal taste and the roof of my mouth is sore.

This week I went to see a different doctor than my usual one and mentioned my problem to her, she thinks it's my med as most taste are medication caused.
I'm going to see an oral medicine doctor, but at the back of my mind I know he won't find anything so probably just wasting my money.
The doctor also said just because it's not in the SE list doesn't mean it's not a SE for me.

So as anybody come of venlafaxine and gone straight onto something else for anxiety/depression. If so was it a straight swap or did you wean down?
I am really med phobic, and scared to death of messing around going onto another in case I get loads of Se and problems.
But this mouth thing is getting to me.

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:58 ----------


Nobody done this!!!!

21-05-13, 22:20
I am on venlafaxine and I am weaning off it to start somethingelse. I don't think you can swap straight away but it does depend on what you are switching on to.

21-05-13, 22:34
Thanks Moley is that what you've been told by your doctor? Or are you weaning down first yourself before something else.

21-05-13, 23:09
No my doctor is weaning me off. not sure what I am trying next because I am waiting for an appointment with the CMHT to decide but my GP is getting me ready so I don't have to wait so long.

22-05-13, 00:44
Did you get the metal taste at certain doses? Or at all doses? Its a tough one to weigh up - decisions to take meds are all about the benefits outweighing the costs - is it providing more benefits than disadvantages or is the metal taste impossible to live with?

I have no experience in venlafaxine but around 20 months ago I made a decision to switch meds because I wanted to try one with fewer side effects. 20 months down the line I wish I had stayed on my old med - would have saved me so many problems.

22-05-13, 11:22
I got the metal taste when promazine was added to the venlafaxine, this happened after 3 days. I only stayed one it for 9 days SE where to bad.

So since then I've been stuck with the taste, and don't know now if its the dose of venlafaxine I'm on. I was on 150mg before the start of the promazine and after.

I know exactly what you mean about changing meds, it's weighing everything up.
I don't think I can put up with the mouth thing it's horrible its so uncomfortable .

I'm getting more anxious thinking about it, it's not an easy decision to make!

22-05-13, 11:37
Hi clio, just a thought could you try changing your brand of venlafaxine? I take the actual efexor capsules, just thought it could be the coating on the tablets? X x

22-05-13, 11:43
Thanks Nicola,

That's a thought! I'm on the venlalic xr so will think about the capsules thanks.

My heads all over the place, is if this is it that I'm sending myself mad.
All this aggro from a med!!!

22-05-13, 14:47
hi clio i changed frm citalopram one day to ven the next i also take effexor xl caps like nicola as the tabs gave me heartburn so maybe worth a try

i know you have been suffering from this a while now really hope you get something sorted out soon xx

22-05-13, 20:21
Ahhh I've read lots about 'burning mouth syndrome' after googling my tingling, sore tongue and lips. All it ever came up with was that it's a recognised syndrome but not really understood and they sometimes give antidepressants to combat it.

I get an uncomfortable feeling mainly on the tip of my tongue and it radiates round the edges too, it's like I've scalded it by taking a hot drink, my lips tingle also and it sometimes goes on for months and months. I first had it in 2003 and it went after 9 months until I started Prozac. Since March 2012 I've had it intermittently, when my anxiety is high it's worse. Pregabalin made it disappear completely but since I've increased the Mirtazapine a week ago my anxiety is higher and the burning sensation has returned.

I take Inositol, Magnesium, Vit B, Fish Oils and Multi Vit with Iron and I thought these were helping but in hindsight it was probably just the Pregabalin that decreased my anxiety and the symptoms went. It is very annoying though Brenda, fortunately I don't suffer with any change in taste I can imagine that is not pleasant at all. Apart from the constant mouth symptoms are you feeling more anxious at the moment?

http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/simplepage.cfm?ID=1651179592 this is the link to a GP site about switching antidepressants - cross tapering is possible so you would need to reduce the Ven whilst starting the new one.

22-05-13, 20:46
Hi Sam,
I think I have probably become on some days more anxious this last 2 weeks, I think that is because I'm not getting any further with this problem and it's getting to me. It's there all day from getting up to going to bed.

I to googled and got burning mouth syndrome! Don't know what's worse the tastes I get or the soreness/dryness.

I take 300mg magnesium,15mg zinc,1000mg starflower,vit b-complex,and d3 mainly winter.
Like you don't know if they help but will try anything(well holistic)

22-05-13, 20:50
I added this to my last post but you may of missed it, it's about switching antid's


22-05-13, 21:08
Thanks Sam, will have a read. Take care xx