View Full Version : im new today

21-05-13, 19:32
Hiya just wanted to introduce myself... im 46 and recently was put on fluxitine 20mg fisrt couple of weeks hell weeks 2 and 3 great but now i am on week 4 and feels so nauseas and ansexty hot sweats im really struggling again :weep:

21-05-13, 19:37
Hi Staffi and :welcome:
I completely empathise - I've been through exactly that. Felt much better at week 3 and then crashed back down but I feel like recently (week 6ish) I turned a corner and have started feeling calmer.
Hang in there and feel free to PM me if you want to talk.
J x

21-05-13, 20:40
Hi Staffi :welcome:

I'm sure you will find lots of help, support and advice here :hugs:

21-05-13, 20:52
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

21-05-13, 20:54
Hi Staffie, I am not on fluoxetine but citralopram and I have the same problem, was doing ok after about 3 weeks, and now at 6 weeks am feeling anxiety - just stick with it!!!

21-05-13, 21:30
Hi :welcome: to the forum. Hope you find it as helpful as I do.

24-05-13, 11:33
hello staffi. Hope you are having a better day todet. I have been put on fluoe and have been on it nine weeks 5days ago I actually stopped shaking. so am quite pleased with that.... I think these things vary from one person to another. It is so disappointing when you read someone feels better after 9 weeks.
keep your pecker up and hope you will soon be feeling better.
do find this site very encourging. regards hopey