View Full Version : Any help or tips would be grateful

29-09-06, 11:23
Compared to most I'm not doing too bad.

I can get in the car and drive, not more than 20 minutes away. I can go shopping for an hour or so, all in all quite good.

My main problem is the need to use the toilet, where ever I am i start to panic . 'Where is the toilet' 'Can I just get up and leave?' 'I will be embarrassed asking for the toilet' All this goes through my head.

We went on holiday this year in the Uk, I was panicking about going and driving there. It's all the 'what if's', any heavy traffic and I was sweating and shaking.

Does anyone else have this toilet phobia?

I have read up on positive thinking and breathing and it has improved some of the dreaded feelings but wondered if any of you have any other tips?

Thanks x

29-09-06, 17:13
Hi magic.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">'Where is the toilet' 'Can I just get up and leave?' 'I will be embarrassed asking for the toilet' </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Your posts sounds just like one of my earlier ones! My panic started like that. I found that I could cope if I made sure I was near the edge of the theatre or wherever, and that I knew where the toilet was, so I could leave if I needed to. Knowing I could made me more relaxed and then I didn't need to so much!

Traffic is definitely a phobia for lots of us. Its the feeling of being trapped which causes the anxiety and makes our body have the symptoms which cause us more anxiety (like needing the toilet!). Check out the home page, there's lots of info on symptoms which I have found really useful.

When I told my Gp she gave me immodium for travelling, which made me less anxious about needing the toilet, so I didn't feel so anxious. It helped make a break in the usual vicious circle I got stuck in. Hope this helps a bit. You've come to a great place for advice.


29-09-06, 17:35
Hi Lisa,

Thanks for replying. I thought it was just me being 'odd'. I do take immodium and that helps that 'side of things' but it's the needing a wee every five seconds now, they don't do tablets for that, unfortunately.

The theatre thing is so spot on, exactly the same thing i do. I had to travel one end of the country to the other, as my flight was cancelled, on a coach the first thing i asked is whether there was a toilet. Thankfully there was but strangly enough I never used it.

I did say I could do with a campervan with a built in toilet instead of a car ;)

I hope things will improve as I don't go out that much anymore.

TC x