View Full Version : How to let things go?

22-05-13, 01:40
Hi everyone :flowers:

I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes by posting this. (I always worry that I'm going to offend someone...since I don't post very often I don't want to seem presumptuous). I made another post a while back but it was based on a very specific situation, having to do with a friendship which causes me great anxiety. I'm working on that... but the reason I'm posting this thread is to ask the other folks on the forum: How do you let things go for your own well being? :shrug:

When this friend of mine says or does something to make me upset or anxious, I keep telling myself, "Let it roll off! Just let it roll off!" and my husband will sometimes tell me the same thing. It occasionally helps if I envision something literally dropping on my back and rolling off (like a ball or something...). I know it sounds strange but it does sometimes help. Sadly, most of the time it doesn't help, and I end up having whatever is bothering me hanging over me like a cloud of doom. I wish simple things didn't affect me so strongly. I hate it when one little snarky comment or attitude can ruin my mood and make me anxious for hours on end. How do you deal with letting things go?

On another note, I finally went to a dr. today. He only talked to me for a short while, like he was eager to hurry me out of the door (probably because I can't afford to pay his $100/visit fee and I have no insurance or government help). He put me on some meds which I'm hoping will help my anxiety... but we'll see...

22-05-13, 11:02
You could try changing your tactics: when you have these unhelpful thoughts, instead of pushing them away with that mantra, don't try to dispell them, but just be aware of them. Just say to yourself "I'm ruminating over this again" in a non-judgemental way. You will find the thought goes anyway once it is in the spotlight and the more you become aware of it coming back the less likely it is to bother you, whereas shoving it out with "let it roll off" may not be as effective, although you are going in the right direction, well done :)