View Full Version : Light headed, exhausted, spaced out

22-05-13, 02:18
Hi guys

I'm experiencing a load of anxiety symptoms after going through a traumatic experience a couple of weeks ago. I wondered if anyone could relate or give me any suggestions for calming down some of the symptoms?

I'm feeling spaced out and light headed...particularly in large spaces/rooms e.g. big shops and in the office where I work :/. The spaced out feelings get worse when I try and talk about what happened to me especially if I start going in to detail. It's like my mind wants to detach from it. I'm also finding that I get tired very quickly and after being at work I fall asleep either on the bus or when I get home. My concentration has also been affected. The other problem is I'm finding it hard to get to sleep at night. At night I get quite upset and sometimes a bit panicky before i sleep. I'm getting unpleasant thoughts and images in my head too.

Wow, when I write it all down it really seems a lot!

M xxx