View Full Version : Bloody mucus in stools

22-05-13, 08:44
Hi. Yesterday my IBS was bad due to current anxiety. Whilst at work I ran to the toilet with loose stools about 5 times until I could go no more.
This morning when I woke up and wiped (sorry if tmi) there was some mucus with bloody streaks. The blood was the colour of red wine. Im also have lower back pain, like a period type pain.
Is this normal?
Thanks in advance.

22-05-13, 09:17
Hi Mipsy,

Blood can be due to a lot of different things, but you really need to talk to your doctor about so they can examine you and give you the right advice.

22-05-13, 16:45
Thanks for reply.
I've had IBS for many years, linked to anxiety. I rarely have constipation, mainly diarrhoea. I've had a bowel scan about 7 years ago and 2 years ago I did a stool test. I'm wondering if the constant loose stools has irritated my bowel lining as I've never had blood in my stools. Just seems post chronic IBS episode that the bloody streaks have appeared in the mucus.

I'm holding off going to the doctors. I'm just hoping someone can reply who has had similar. Thanks :0)

---------- Post added at 16:45 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ----------

HA overload now.
Has anyone any thoughts? Thanks.

22-05-13, 17:23
Hi Mipsy

I have had mucus in stools before and it sent me running of the doctors.

I've had IBS on and off for years and apparently mucus is really common and just a sign that the bowel is inflamed and irritated.

I've also had very bloody mucus. Last year I had a bit of an upset tummy and I went to toilet several times in a row and in the end I was just passing blood and mucus which as you can imagine caused a total meltdown and it was a sunday so no doctor to run to.

Anyway I called the emergency doctor and he said it would be piles from frequently going to the loo and the mucus due to the same problem. He took some details over the phone, told me to use suppositries for a few days and if it hadn't cleared in 7 days to go to the doctor.

Well it cleared up after a few days and touch wood has been fine since.

I don't know if you have piles but mucus and bleeding are classic signs.

Why don't you try some supposotries and see how it is in a couple of days?

It is more than likely the IBS acting up but if it doesn't settle down within a couple of days I would go to the doctors just for peace of mind.

take care

23-05-13, 11:43
Munchlet, thank you so much for reply. It means a lot. I was desperate and just needed reassurance. Thank you.
I ended up in hospital A&E last night after i fell and broke my nose so its taken my mind off it and given me something else to worry about. Vicious circle! Again thank you for taking the time to answer my post (and lilharry).

23-05-13, 17:26
Oh no, hope you are ok, bet that's sore?

Know what you mean though something else coming along does tend to take the focus away from our other problems.

Hope you are feeling better xx

23-05-13, 17:44
Sorry to hear about your nose Mipsy - wishing you a speedy recovery from that.

23-05-13, 19:39
Thanks Nicola and Munchlet.
I've to see a nose surgeon next week at the ENT dept once the swelling has gone down. Might get a cheeky wee nose job, lol.
I'm trying to laugh because I think I would just cry! I have to say though, it looks better today. Hopefully it will set back to normal without surgery.
X x