View Full Version : Eyes! When I move my hand, i see a blur of it behind...?

22-05-13, 09:00
Its freaking me out a little its been happening for a few days and I notice it more on a night. Let me explain...If i move my hand and look at it when my hand moves behind theres like a blur of it like another hand that follows?! Admittedly Im really tired, could it be that? I've just had my eyes tested xx

22-05-13, 10:20
It sounds like your getting a sort of after image , don't worry about it , the more you focus on your vision the worst it gets , I've had so many tricks of vision it some times takes over.
It's said it's the affects of so much adrenalin .

22-05-13, 11:03
Its awful isnt it! Im just glad I've just had my eyes tested otherwise I would be completely freaking out! x

22-05-13, 12:27
Palinopsia! Totally normal but with anxiety it can seem like 10x. :)

22-05-13, 13:13
Theres a name for it ? xx