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View Full Version : Next worry is gallbladder

22-05-13, 09:38
The quickly I get the CBT the better. Its like I am trapped in a bubble.

I worried about gallbladder cancer and other conditions to do with gallbladder. even though I had two scans (ultrasound and CT scan, both fine) which would have picked up something wrong with my gallbladder if there was a problem or any the problem.
I am scared of every little bone in my body which I can fear (what is the bone called)

I don't have any jaundice and my poop is not pale. Its just the abdominal pain which started when this bowel cancer advert
The GPS at the practice know I am scared about the big c word.

started. plenty of being felt round the abdominal area. No itchiness.

I have also gone back to worrying about non hodgkins lymphoma/Hodgkin and Leukemia again. with oesophageal and salivary gland cancer slowly adding to the mixed of fears and worries.

22-05-13, 15:09
I can relate totally to how you are feeling but to be honest if you have had an ultrasound and a CT then I would definitely feel reassured. I have been for 3 abdo ultrasounds and was told by the sonographer that any problems with gallbladder etc would be picked up. I have a fear of liver and pancreatic cancer and have trouble believing test results and am cancer phobic but I know that having more tests just adds to the anxiety and you sort of go round in a vicious circle. Good luck with your CBT. Take Care.

22-05-13, 15:18
Many thanks

Even though the doctors says I am fine but know I am concerned, that is highly unlikely I have bowel cancer or other cancer but something would have been picked up by now, with all these scans, blood test, blood pressure etc (an eye exam) etc.

22-05-13, 15:23
Many thanks

Even though the doctors says I am fine but know I am concerned, that is highly unlikely I have bowel cancer or other cancer but something would have been picked up by now, with all these scans, blood test, blood pressure etc (an eye exam) etc.

I agree, if you have had quite a few tests and they have all been normal then that is a good thing. Doctors know what they are looking for and do not waste anytime referring you on for more tests if they suspect a problem. If the doctors say you are fine then all the better.

22-05-13, 17:06
Gallbladders can cause a lot of anxiety, so I feel your pain! I went to a nurse for my abdominal pain (right of bellybutton) and she was convinced it's my gallbladder. Even though other doctors are like, "Ehh..probably not" it scares me! Gallbladder problems are an "easy" fix, ie a simple surgery. In all likelihood, all of your tests would have picked up something, though. However, if you have symptoms of gb issues, you could request a HIDA scan, which is considered the gold standard in diagnosing issues. It tests the function of your gallbladder, as sometimes you can have issues without having stones. But really, if you're not having any symptoms, and knowing that the ultrasound and CT scans would have picked up any cancer or stones, I'd bet money that you're just fine. :hugs: