View Full Version : what the doc said... what dya think?

29-09-06, 13:34
I went back to the doctors today as my sick note ran out. As per usual these days it was another locum, but one I have seen before. When I said most of my symptoms have eased except the breathlessness and lump n throat and told him I just didnt think I could go to work at the moment and be confined to that space and he got a bit funny and said the longer I left it the harder it would be ever for me to return.

I mean what he said is true but I have also been making a conscious effort to go out 2 or 3 times a day and have a good walk round my local neighbourhood just so I do feel like I am 'back in the land of the living' so its not like Ive been sitting home just waiting for a miracle recovery.So I came away feeling quite sorry for myself as he went on and on and on!

I dont think he has much sympathy for anxiety sufferers. When I got into the waiting room a middle aged lady was just going into him and after about 10 minutes she came back out and said to the receptionist ' my mum is waiting in the car but she hates being out in public and is terrified of coming in so the doctor said he will see her now so can you get her notes out?' . I pricked my ears up immediately of course thinking there was someone with similar issues to me (i wasnt eavesdropping, honest. The waiting room was really quiet!) so the lady went out and brought in this woman and you would never have guessed what she was going through. Of course everyone stared at her as she came in as they had all heard what her daughter had said to the receptionist. She sat near me and then the doctor came to call his next patient. I was amazed when he didnt call her but went onto the next patient. You could see the woman physically 'slump' when she knew she'd have to sit there and wait with other people. While I sat there near them I could hear the womans daughter telling her not to be so ridiculous etc and I really felt for her. They then started to play a word association game about countries and I had a smile to myself thinking there was someone like me - sadly I wasnt asked to join in the game so instead had to endure a 2004 edition of 'womans weekly'! When the doctor came out again I was even more amazed when I was called and the woman was left there again obviously suffering.

What do you all think to that? Do you think she should have been seen first or...? I wasnt sure what I thought right. I mean I wanted to be first because I am in a similar way myself but Im sure if I wasnt I would have felt it ok for someone in that much mental anguish to be seen first! Be interested to hear your views.

polly daydream
29-09-06, 19:08
Hi, no I don't think she should have been seen first because you never know who else is in the same situation as yourself and the lady you speak of, I am very anxious when I go to the dr's but hide it very well and would have got angry if she had gone in before me, sorry if it sounds harsh but I know alot of people who suffer anxiety and who hide the fact.

Take care,


29-09-06, 19:37
hi yes im afraid i agree with polly on this one i no you say the poor woman was suffering but as polly said theres alot of people out there who are in the same boat and like myself hide it very well like yourself you were there for the same reason and if she would of been seen b4 you that wouldnt of been fair on you ur others that were waiting with you

t motown

01-10-06, 21:37
im the opposite i think they should of maybe asked people in the room first i dont like going and panic but when i first started like this thinking of how i felt then i would of died to get in there first everybody was staring at me while i shook in the chair which made me worse maybe they could of helped by letting her stay in an other room or go and tell her if she sat outside or something they didnt seem very helpfull even if she didnt push in

01-10-06, 22:15
This is a difficult one, and I'm sure my doctor makes me wait longer as patients that arrive after me get called in to see her before me. I think that she thinks she is doing me a favour and yes sometimes if im having a good day i think it is actually really good for me but when i am having a bad day it is the worst possible thing having to wait.
lol i hope its nothing personal but im sure she has done this in the past.
Ive also been in waiting rooms with people that are obviously panicing and my heart goes out to them, i would offer they go in before me but then i dont want to put them on the spot, i know i hate being put on the spot.
Having a panic attack is a very frigtening experience and i do think that in certain circumstances yes some should not have to wait, or like tam says at least allow them to stay in another room.

01-10-06, 22:57
I think given what the daughter told the receptionist the doctor had said, then the woman should have gone in quicker.

There was not alot of point the doctor saying he would see her next, if in fact he didn't intend to do this at all - to my mind he wasn't helping her here he was being cruel.

When I was at my most acute my doctor would never have done this and to save me the stress of going to the hospital for a blood test he did it himself at the surgery. He probably wouldn't do this for me now as he knows I now know what it is.

I don't think I would ever mind if someone had to go in in front of me for this reason - I would be relieved to be reminded yet again I am not the only one!!!

On the other hand we don't know the relationship this doctor has with this patient and what he assesses her condition to truly be!!

Always two sides aren't there!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-10-06, 09:10
Yes its definately a tricky one to judge. I think before I had this I would have said I didnt want the woman pushing ahead of me - she was just a bit nervy etc but having had this you really do sympathise with someone you would have perhaps thought 'being silly ' previously. I must admit I was amazed the doctor didnt give her any special treatment - I wonder whether he thought he was doing her a favour or whether he thought she didnt need any preferential treatment?