View Full Version : Bioresanance??

22-05-13, 10:43
Has anyone tried this? My dad is going for this doing next week and Its supposed to be revolutionary! Im thinking I might have a go myself! Its hard to explain, so il copy and paste the details below...

The guy who invented this machine in Germany, works with hospitals to help cancer patients! However in the UK the NHS will not allow the use of these machines! A relative of mine has purchased one and is now qualified to use it - Thinking of giving it a go!

This section only provides general educational information on the technique. Practitioners who would like more detailed technical material should contact us here
BICOM Bioresonance Therapy is a non-invasive, gentle therapy making it suitable for children and babies and even sensitive patients. Animals, from guinea pigs to horses, can also benefit. Because it uses biophysics -the physics of the body - rather than biochemistry, practitioners may find they can use less medication and herbal remedies. BRT does not cure an illness; it assists the body to reduce its toxin or stress load and so helps to restore ‘self-regulation’, the body's ability to heal itself. It is best known for treating stress factors that may be contributing to environmental illness. Some common symptoms of environmental stressors include general aches and pains or tiredness, digestive upsets, skin blemishes or just a general feeling of "not being quite right". Many people often wonder why, despite our scientific advances and affluence, more and more people struggle with maintaining good health. Some disorders are given a 'label' but many can't be treated; they are simply managed. Many of these disorders and syndromes have steadily increased over the last 20 years, which makes one wonder if there might not be an environmental factor involved .