View Full Version : Had my filling done

22-05-13, 11:52
Well I had my filling done, once against the big c word was played again, no signs of mouth cancer. (worried about neck and head cancer as well)

I know I am embarrassed to have another filling but at least I don't put of the treatment, the dentist and assistant said I did really well.

At least I have improved on brushing. I prefer to have treatment done than leave my teeth looking horrible which could make me sick.

Special toothpaste have reduced needed treatment, even though I have got a difficult mouth to keep clean. if in the future I need bridges and implants so be it. as long I don't have to wear dentures until I am 1,200.

22-05-13, 12:09
well done for enduring the treatment you did very well indeed.
keep up the good work in making sure you clean well.
mouths are funny old things but the better you look after them (& your teeth of course) the less likely the nasty filling, extractions, implants etc.... are likely in the future.
well done!!!!

22-05-13, 12:56
Well done :) I know how difficult this must have been for you. I have had a tooth out this morning and I have to say I was a nervous wreck!!!

23-05-13, 22:10
i have 6 cavities that need to be filled. I got them due to spots i couldnt get when having braces. I already cancled the first appiontment and im extremely nervous to get my fillings done

24-05-13, 08:06
Clank if you ask you may be able to have them done with sedation.

24-05-13, 08:31
Well done Unsure about this:hugs:

You will be ok clank. Honestlyxx

24-05-13, 09:39
Many thanks

I prefer to get the filling done than having to have a root canal done or crown if I have just left it.

You been fine Clank. I remember having braces (but mine were removable braces, as the dentist thought fixed braces were a bad idea for me)