View Full Version : Farewell post

22-05-13, 13:12
Hi everyone

I am making the decision to leave the forum. As some of you know I have suffered for about year with a variety if symptoms which has made me link them up to a variety of cancers. I have visited the doctors almost every other week since October and have been having chats with a CBT assessor (not official cbt as waiting was too long) since March.

I have since left the chats as I thought I was better and almost over my health anxiety. Matter of fact is I am not better but I have at least learnt how to control it more than I was before.

This forum has been great. I have been in contact with some lovely people who have suffered/suffering with similar symptoms to mine and we have reassured each other along the way. Although the forum has given me support, my own opinion is that it also fuels my anxiety and its something I have to move away from in order to get better. Reassurance is good but it doesn't last and I can't rely on it i have to do it for myself.

I appreciate I won't be cured but need to continue to improve to get back to my life as it was and I think leaving here (or at least considerably reducing my visits) is the next step. I am moving into a house with my boyfriend in 4 weeks so its time for a fresh start. It will be hard as I am not over it and only 3 days ago I was worrying about a symptom. Coming on here was good for a while but only made the worrying worse.

It's a funny one, the forum for me is fantastic but at the same time draining and addictive. I am not putting it down in anyway it is purely my take on it and know it is doing wonders for others.

Who knows, after writing all of this I will probably be back as it lifts me to know we are all in this together and I am not on my own. I think that is why I kept coming. The company. Although I don't know any of you in person I will miss you all.

Keep fighting and be strong. Those of you seeking help, continue and learn from it. Those of you who are new and struggling, seek help as soon a you can before it takes hold. Don't be afraid to visit the doctor and discuss your problems. At the end of the day they are there to help and will put you in the right direction to achieve that.

Its going to be hard for me to not come back but please, all take care. :hugs:

FR xXx

22-05-13, 13:30
Sorry to see you go but I can understand your reasoning and have felt like that about NMP myself at times. It is a positive move that indicates you are feeling stronger and more confident, so well done you. Never say never again though, the forum will still be here should you ever need us again x

22-05-13, 13:30
Wishing you well FR :hugs: