View Full Version : afraid I've done damage

22-05-13, 14:53
I've been on a four day drinking binge. Im terrified I've done damage to my heart. Its pounding out o of my chest. My arms and legs are weak my chest hurts I'm so scared.but I'm also scared that of I stop drinking I'm going to go into withdrawals and die.so I just keep drinking. Please help. Any advice is welcome thank you.

22-05-13, 15:37
Oh you poor thing! Is there a resource you can access for detox? Please get help, alcohol binges are dangerous in themselves. You are in a terrible snow ball affect.

Jon Dimond
22-05-13, 18:11
I've been on 4 day binges before and towards the end thought I'd done some horrific damage. Heart ticking like a ****ed clock etc. However a few days away from the booze works wonders. You'll be fine. If you really can't go cold turkey, why not try reducing your intake gradually?