View Full Version : A little Introduction

22-05-13, 15:23

I joined this forum today as I have suffered with GAD since I was about 15 years old I am now 36. I mostly have this under control but I have health anxiety issues which I really need to work on.

It came to head from me when I found out I was pregnant I few weeks ago I have been so so worried about everything. When I had to have the routine HIV test last week I was besides myself all week convinced it will be positive. It came back clear but think I need to beable to talk about this with people who understand because my friends & family do not get it.

Thanks for reading

22-05-13, 15:40
Hi Lizzy and :welcome:

I'm sure you will find lots of help, advice and support here :)

22-05-13, 15:57
Thank you. I spend too much time worrying that I have a serious illness.

22-05-13, 16:14
Hi Lizzy

Congratulations on being pregnant :)

This is the place to come for support and help.


22-05-13, 16:33
Thank you. I want to enjoy it and not be constantly worried that something terrible will happen so yes i believe I have come to the right place. I have actually been reading this site for quite some time.

22-05-13, 18:29
Hi Lizzy and :welcome:
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm sure you will find lots of support here and we'll help you get through your worries.
J x

22-05-13, 19:34
Thanks :)

22-05-13, 21:51
Hi Lizzy. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

23-11-14, 15:53
Hi Lizzy. Has your GP spoke to you about Cognative behaverial therapy (CBT) ?