View Full Version : Bad day today

kate H
29-09-06, 14:42
Hi Guys,

Am having one of those bad anxiety days today. I am going to Ghana a week today and it is totally freaking me out, i really wonder whether i can actually really do this trip???
So much is running through my head, how will i cope with the heat, the flight everything! Wot if I have a major panic attack and I want to come home and I cant!!

Feeling totally spaced out today and cant wait to finish work and just get home!!!

Just feel like i dont want to go I am gonna be totally out of my comfort zone and i'm not gonna feel very safe


****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****

29-09-06, 14:54
Hi sorry your feeling so bad,It is hard coming out of that compfort zone.I went out today on my own first time in about 2 months.Its having that safe place.You might really enjoy it once your there,but easier said than done I know.Take some items of compfort with you,try and keep occupied on the flight.Are you on any meds?
Take care;)

Ellen XX

29-09-06, 17:39
Hi there, you are right, it is just one of those awful days, everyone gets them whether they suffer with anxiety or not, tomorrow you will be fine. As for your trip, once you are there, make your new hotel/apartment/room your new safety zone, as has been said take a few small comfort things with you, you may well have a panic whilst there, but you will 'get through' just the same as you do here. Have a look at some of the older posts on flying tips and holidays, print some stuff off and re-read if necessary.. so many of us have felt the same, but gone away and had a fab time, and you will too!!! xx

polly daydream
29-09-06, 18:53
Hi, know just how you feel I am going to Portugal on Monday and am dreading the flight and being out of my safe place but I am determined that this anxiety is not going to ruin things for me, You too must think this way, other wise we will never go anywhere and what kind of life is that. Take magazines for the flight even a crossword book to keep you occupied, it will help a little, I will do the same.

Let us know how you go!!!!

Take care,
