View Full Version : Anemia, blood when wiping has to be Colon cancer

22-05-13, 16:02
Hi everyone

I have not been on for a while as have been feeling good but recently I have been feeling awful :(

It started with this weird dizzy fuzzy head feeling, not triggered by anything and not eased by anything. Also have nausea feeling sick :( went doctors last week who said it was labrinthitis and said to go back if it go worse.

Well this week I feel horrible, still fuzzy head and dizzy, feeling sick, head pains, stiff neck today too. Went doctors who sent me for a blood test, had low iron in December and he thinks I may be anaemic.

Well this bit is a bit tmi so I am sorry, went to the toilet today and after I wiped my bottom there was bright red blood on the tissue not loads but was there after I wiped a few times and was less the last time I wiped........ Now this is not the first time it has happened but never thought much of it but now

Anaemic plus blood from bottom = COLON CANCER

I am so scared as usual no one is taking me seriously saying oh not again. But this time I feel I have too much evidence for it not to be.

I am 27 and female not that this makes a difference because it can happen to anyone.

22-05-13, 16:10
It sounds much more like piles or an anal fissure to me. The other symptoms you have could also be anxiety symptoms.

22-05-13, 16:35
Hi there,

I've been having a bit of blood on my tissue when I wipe, but there is nothing in the toilet or the stools that I can see. I'm not too worried about it though. I assume I have what Annie said, an anal fissure or possibly piles.

I also get a dizzy/lightheaded sensation on and off, it's been more frequent the past week or so. There's also this weird kind of pressure I get in my head as well (not a headache, though I do her those too, along with occasional shooting pain). I did have chronic nausea for a week or so, though it's almost completely gone now, but I occasionally get it at night.

I've been to the doctor about it and I had my blood tested, which all came back fine.

22-05-13, 17:02
From what I understand, bright red blood on toilet paper = something outside or very close to the opening, like a tear or hemorrhoid, etc. I know someone who had colon cancer and her stool was tarry black; and, from what I've read, it's black and tarry stools that are worrisome.

And anemia is pretty common in women our age, so try not to associate it with something more sinister. I personally am being tested for it right now, and my cousin (18 yo female) is anemic. Actually, a lot of young women I know are anemic, now that I think about it. Anyways, yeah. I have a lot of your symptoms and I have low hemoglobin which means probably low iron which means anemia--normal symptoms for it. Try not to worry. xoxo :hugs:

22-05-13, 17:28
Your symptoms are probably caused by the labyrinthitis. It will make you feel pretty crappy, and if you're anything like me then being unwell may be triggering your anxiety.

Anaemia is very common in women. Your GP will tell you how to fix it.

The blood is very common too, and if it is a small quantity, and bright red, that is always less worrying. You can get minor tears if (I'm trying to think of a nice way to put this, but can't) your poo is hard. I get this fairly frequently due to IBS, and a gastroenterologist has videoed the entire length of my digestive tract and it's perfectly fine. Another cause can be piles, which can also be caused by hard stools.

It's always scary seeing blood, but it doesn't usually mean a serious problem. As it's something that happens occasionally, I do think it's worth mentioning to your GP, but I really think he will be able to reassure you on this one.

I hope you feel better soon, sounds like you're not having a good time at the moment!

22-05-13, 17:43
Thank you for all your replies they are very much appreciated.

I am not having a good time at the moment have even gone back to my old ways of looking into paying for private consultations.

Doctors just annoy me, one says labrinthitis but the one today said no as it would be more of a dizziness spinning feeling.

I seem to have developed some sort of obsession with wiping my bottom now again tmi I am sorry. Last time I wiped ( not after bowel movement) there was a slight spec of blood on the tissue.

22-05-13, 18:00
If you keep wiping, you'll irritate it and make it bleed more. I also discovered I'm anemic and have the same exact symptoms you described in my head. Iron tablets and b12 vitamins helped me tremendously. I highly doubt you have anything terribly sinister. I get it though, anemia and lymphadenopathy = lymphoma. :(

22-05-13, 19:56
Sorry just been for the second time today, had dinner on the sofa then about an hour later had urgency to go :( wasn't diarrhoea but was loose ish and also burned when and after it had come out. Along with more bright red blood :( scared

22-05-13, 22:37
Don't be scared. Seeing blood is never pleasant, but it's common and there are a number of reasons for it, most of them minor. Try not to think the worst and trust that your doctor has your best interests at heart. It's highly improbable that you have bowel cancer, so try to put that out of your mind. These things are usually caused by fissures or piles and are not serious.

22-05-13, 23:13
That sounds like a tear/fissure

Pop to the docs and they can examine you and give you some suppositories if necessary to help it heal.

I have had bleeding with bowel movements and I am not kidding there was a lot of blood come out!

23-05-13, 09:41
Don't have doctors till next Thursday and will be my time of the month so doctor won't even be able to check me :(

23-05-13, 10:46
Sorry you are worried that you have Bowel cancer, 2 years ago I was terrified that I also had it as I had dark red blood and mucus pouring from me, loose motions, I lost so much weight it just had to be that, didnt it.
No it turned out to be UC brought on by food poisoning, it lasted 8 weeks and it was diagnosed by a sigmoidoscopy, at no time did I have bright red blood which I have had in the past and recently (piles) I have had a couple of flares since and a FOB test that came back positive and that did worry me a bit to say the least.
The best advice is to go to docs and get him/her to check your bot, also labyrinthitis is very very common with anxiety I promise, I bet their are not many on here who haven't had it or severe dizziness with there anxiety at some point in there lives.
Have just seen your post above mine and I can tell you they can examine you while you are on a period, that makes no difference.

23-05-13, 15:00
Thank you x

Just rang docs for blood test results and had to arrange a routine telephone advice appointment....... Won't tell me what's wrong and can't fit me in till next Wednesday �� not helpful when you have anxiety

23-05-13, 15:07
If I were u I would ring back and say, I am sorry but I suffer badly with HA and do not think I can wait for the results till next wednesday, they will have it on your records etc, be polite but firm and then u should get your results, its nothinh bad or they would put you through to the Doc or say make an appointment,
I am sure that you will be absolutely fine, some Dr surgeries will not allow the receptionists to give results, simply because they are not medically trained to answer any questions we might have even if test is fine.
And of course we would because we dont trully believe them do we?:huh:

23-05-13, 17:12
Well I spoke to 2 receptionists and both said as it says its routine they won't treat it as urgent and that I will have to wait till Wednesday :(

---------- Post added at 17:12 ---------- Previous post was at 15:59 ----------

Just rang doctors again and said I am still dizzy and if they have any appointments booked me in for 7:20 tonight so feeling nervous now. Just had another bowel movement and was convinced it would be bloodied as was a bit painful to pass but was nothing.

Now wondering whether to mention to the doctor about blood as I know I am seeing a male and I know it will be embarrassing. Hoping that though its a different doctor he will still talk about my blood results?!

23-05-13, 18:27
Dont you dare not mention it, remember how worried you have been and then imagine coming home and still not asking grrrr LOL just spout it out and I can assure you he will understand, also remember he has seen thousands of womens bits and does not care in fact I think they become a little A sxual.
Let us know how you get on, xxx

23-05-13, 18:43
if you had bowel cancer the blood would not be bright red. if it is fresh blood it means it is coming from much lower down so it is more likely to be a pile that has a little tear.
if you are anaemic this will cause dizziness no doubt especially after losing blood.
i had this myself and the Dr told me very clearly that bowel cancer causes almost black stools, not with bright red blood.

23-05-13, 20:06
Ok back from doctors. I am not anaemic iron is low but not enough to need iron tablets. My red blood cells are small and slightly low mch.
He still thinks I have labrinthitis or possibly something to do with having my wisdom teeth out in march. He has said to get a blood test again in 6 months.

He is not worried about the blood, he did not examine but by what I said thinks its a fissure.

23-05-13, 20:19
I said it was a fissure too so that is good to know - nothing serious

23-05-13, 21:06
Just worried after googling that low Mcv and mch are common in malignancy?! So have gone from not too worried to very worried

23-05-13, 22:52
If the docs were worried they would do something about it so don't worry about it please.

24-05-13, 08:09
im 32, when i first experienced blood on the toilet paper a few years ago i freaked!! it was so much i thought it was my period!! dr says if its bright red and not dark, your fine! ive also had it a few times since! my hubby gets it lots, also my friends little boy gets it too, my bottom didnt even hurt!! your fine honest!! x

---------- Post added at 08:09 ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 ----------

plus! the second time i had it it burnt after, even sitting on the loo!! and i had mucus too! like clear slime! mucus can appear when a hamorroid or fissure is trying to heal x

24-05-13, 09:22
I had this too (i'm a 31 year old female) and my HA is totally centred around bowel cancer so it was truly my worst nightmare.

Late last year I started seeing a little bit of blood when wiping after a bowel movement and also some in the bowl. Obviously I was hysterical (if you look at my posts from that time, you'll see how terrified I was) and went to the doctors for an emergency appointment- the doc examined me and found a fissure. The doctor also sent me for a precautionary blood test which found I was a bit anaemic. I put two and two together and came to the conclusion that I definitely had bowel cancer.

I went to see my own doctor who said that so many women have aenemia that she would have actually been surprised if I hadn't been low in iron and that it wouldn't have any connection to the rectal bleeding. It was just an unfortunate red herring! She also gave me a really useful leaflet from patient.co.uk about rectal bleeding which explains just how common it is and how in most cases it is for a whole number of totally innocent reasons. Because my HA is extremely severe, she wouldn't send me for any further tests because of the fear it would make my anxiety worse but she did explain that I would have noticed a significant and consistent change in my bowel movements along with the blood if it was linked to anything more than a fissure or pile. Even then she said it would be much more likely to be another disease such as ulcerative colitis etc rather than cancer. As people have said above, bright red blood is usually from a pile or fissure- it's darker blood that's normally a concern.

It's hard I know, but please be reassured that so many people have had a similar experience and its not cancer. I've also had the dizziness and nausea and was convinced it was something sinister but I've just come back from two weeks on holiday and whilst I was away didn't feel ill once, because I wasn't worrying! It feels scary but these symptoms really can be anxiety. I don't think we give it enough credit for the power it has over our bodies.

I know where you're at right now, i've been there time and time again. If I can be of any help, please feel free to message me.

Take care xx